- 如何在遍历链表时找到两个需要被交换的节点位置
从头开始的第k个节点很好找,从结尾开始的第k个节点比较难找。比较笨的办法是先遍历一边列表,拿到长度,根据长度确定后面那个的位置。比较聪明的办法在下面解法会讲到 - 找到后如何交换
交换的话就会需要定位到两个节点分别的前后节点,实际上只需要两个节点的前面节点,后面可以通过next得到 - 如何处理特殊情况
class Solution {
public:ListNode* swapNodes(ListNode* head, int k) {
if(!head || !head->next){
return head;}ListNode* left = head;ListNode* right = head;// find the kth node from beginningfor(int i=1;i<k;i++){
left = left->next;}// find the kth node from the endListNode* curr = left;while(curr->next){
curr = curr->next;right = right->next;}/* // alternative way of finding two nodesint cnt = 1;ListNode* curr = head;while(curr){if(cnt < k){left = left->next;}if(cnt > k){right = right->next;}curr = curr->next;cnt++;}*/int tmp_val = left->val;left->val = right->val;right->val = tmp_val;return head;}
通过keep track of两个节点的前面节点来做到交换
class Solution {
public:ListNode* swapNodes(ListNode* head, int k) {
if(!head || !head->next){
return head;}// define dummy node for return the resultListNode* dummy = new ListNode(-1);dummy->next = head;// define the target left node to be swapped and the node beforeListNode* preLeft = dummy;ListNode* left = head;// define the target right node to be swapped and the node beforeListNode* preRight = dummy;ListNode* right = head;// find the the kth node from the beginningfor(int i=1;i<k;i++){
preLeft = preLeft->next;left = left->next;}// find the kth node from the end// trick here is that if the right start from the head of the list, when the left node reaches the end node, the right reaches the kth last nodeListNode* curr = left;while(curr->next){
curr = curr->next;preRight = preRight->next;right = right->next;}if(right == preLeft){
// note the the 1 <= k <= n, so that the right node can be on the left of left node// ...preRight->right->left...right->next = left->next;preRight->next = left;left->next = right;}else if(left == preRight){
// ...preLeft->left->right...left->next = right->next;preLeft->next = right;right->next = left;}else{
// normal case:...preLeft->left->...->preRight->right... or ...preRight->right->...->preLeft->left...ListNode* tmp = left->next;left->next = right->next;preRight->next = left;preLeft->next = right;right->next = tmp;}return dummy->next;}