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初用oracle 创办很简单的存储过程报错.感谢大侠来帮帮忙~不差分

热度:11   发布时间:2016-04-24 05:01:36.0
初用oracle 创建很简单的存储过程报错...感谢大侠来帮帮忙~不差分。
SQL code
create or replace procedure test_selectasbegin  dbms_system.output_line('this is my first proc in oracle !');end;

为什么说无效呢 ? 当我加上参数的时候又OK 了。
SQL code
create or replace procedure test_select(     user_name out varchar2,     user_id in number)asbegin  dbms_system.output_line('this is my first proc in oracle !');end;

妹的,这样又OK 了,,,,我擦, ,为什么呢 ?
另外谁给小弟介绍 存储过程的学习资料小弟 不胜感激 。

SQL code
--dbms_output.put_line你是不是寫錯了,執行試下create or replace procedure test_selectasbegin  dbms_output.put_line('this is my first proc in oracle !');end;/exec test_select;/
dbms_output.put_line('this is my first proc in oracle !');

带参数的真的没错? dbms_system.output_line 这是自己写?

SQL code
SQL> create or replace procedure test_select  2  3  as  4  begin  5    dbms_system.output_line('this is my first proc in oracle !');  6  end;  7  /Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.SQL> show errorErrors for PROCEDURE TEST_SELECT:LINE/COL ERROR-------- -----------------------------5/3      PLS-00201: identifier 'DBMS_SYSTEM.OUTPUT_LINE' must be declared5/3      PL/SQL: Statement ignoredSQL> create or replace procedure test_select  2  as  3  begin  4    dbms_output.put_line('this is my first proc in oracle !');  5  end;  6  /Procedure created.SQL>
dbms_output.put_line('this is my first proc in oracle !');
