UPDATE syjk_ccs_zjk SET motortypecode=
when ratedpassengercapacity<6 ang vehicletype not like 'M%' then 11
when ratedpassengercapacity>=6 and ratedpassengercapacity<10 then 12
when ratedpassengercapacity>=10 and ratedpassengercapacity<20 then 13
when ratedpassengercapacity>=20 and ratedpassengercapacity<36 then 14
when ratedpassengercapacity>=36 then 15
else null
end); 报错 缺少关键字
UPDATE syjk_a SET name=
when code1<3 then 11
when code1>=3 then 12
else null
end); 我自己做了一个简单表就没错