1. 建表:在定义中要求声明:
(1) 每个表的主外码;
(2) 顾客的姓名和商品名不能为空值;
(3) 单价必须大于0,购买数量必须再0到20之间;
create table rxy_product ( product_id varchar2(10) not null primary key, product_name varchar2(30) not null, unitprice number(8,2) default 0.00, category varchar2(20), provider varchar2(30), startdate date, constraint RXY_UNITPRICE check ( unitprice>0 )); create table rxy_customer ( customer_id varchar2(10) not null primary key, customer_name varchar2(12) not null, location varchar2(50)); create table rxy_purchase ( customer_id varchar2(10) not null, product_id varchar2(10) not null, quantity number(4,0) default 0, constraint FK_PRODUCT foreign key(product_id) references rxy_product, constraint FK_CUSTOMER foreign key(customer_id) references rxy_customer, constraint RXY_QUANTITY check ( quantity>=0 and quantity<=20 )); insert into rxy_product (product_id,product_name,unitprice,category,provider) values( 'M01','佳洁士',8.00,'牙膏','宝洁' );insert into rxy_product (product_id,product_name,unitprice,category,provider) values( 'M02','高露洁',6.50,'牙膏','高露洁' ); insert into rxy_product (product_id,product_name,unitprice,category,provider) values( 'M03','洁诺',5.00,'牙膏','联合利华' );insert into rxy_product (product_id,product_name,unitprice,category,provider) values( 'M04','舒肤佳',3.00,'香皂','宝洁' );insert into rxy_product (product_id,product_name,unitprice,category,provider) values( 'M05','夏士莲',5.00,'香皂','联合利华' );insert into rxy_product (product_id,product_name,unitprice,category,provider) values( 'M06','雕牌',2.50,'洗衣粉','纳爱斯' );insert into rxy_product (product_id,product_name,unitprice,category,provider) values( 'M07','中华',3.50,'牙膏','联合利华' );insert into rxy_product (product_id,product_name,unitprice,category,provider) values( 'M08','汰渍',3.00,'洗衣粉','宝洁' );insert into rxy_product (product_id,product_name,unitprice,category,provider) values( 'M09','碧浪',4.00,'洗衣粉','宝洁' );insert into rxy_customer values( 'C01','Dennis','海淀' );insert into rxy_customer values( 'C02','John','朝阳' );insert into rxy_customer values( 'C03','Tom','东城' );insert into rxy_customer values( 'C04','Jenny','东城' );insert into rxy_customer values( 'C05','Rick','西城' );insert into rxy_purchase values( 'C01','M01',3 );insert into rxy_purchase values( 'C01','M05',2 );insert into rxy_purchase values( 'C01','M08',2 );insert into rxy_purchase values( 'C02','M02',5 );insert into rxy_purchase values( 'C02','M06',4 );insert into rxy_purchase values( 'C03','M01',1 );insert into rxy_purchase values( 'C03','M05',1 );insert into rxy_purchase values( 'C03','M06',3 );insert into rxy_purchase values( 'C03','M08',1 );insert into rxy_purchase values( 'C04','M03',7 );insert into rxy_purchase values( 'C04','M04',3 );insert into rxy_purchase values( 'C05','M06',2 );insert into rxy_purchase values( 'C05','M07',8 );/--(1)求购买了供应商"宝洁"产品的所有顾客;select customer_name from rxy_product p,rxy_customer c,rxy_purchase pc where p.product_id=pc.product_id and pc.customer_id=c.customer_id and p.provider='宝洁'; --(2)求购买的商品包含了顾客"Dennis"所购买的所有商品的顾客(姓名);select customer_name from rxy_customer where customer_id in ( select customer_id from rxy_purchase where product_id in (select pc.product_id from rxy_customer c, rxy_purchase pc where c.customer_id = pc.customer_id and c.customer_name='Dennis') group by customer_id having count(product_id)>= (select count(pc.product_id) from rxy_customer c, rxy_purchase pc where c.customer_id = pc.customer_id and c.customer_name='Dennis'));--(3)求牙膏卖出数量最多的供应商。select rownum, a.* from (select p.provider, sum(pc.quantity) s from rxy_product p, rxy_purchase pc where pc.product_id = p.product_id and p.category='牙膏' group by p.providerorder by s desc) a where rownum=1;select provider , NUM from ( select distinct pd.provider , (select sum(SUM_NUM) from ( select p.provider pp, (select sum(quantity) from rxy_purchase pc where pc.product_id=p.product_id ) "SUM_NUM" from rxy_product p where category='牙膏' ) where pp=pd.provider ) "NUM" from rxy_product pd where category='牙膏' order by NUM desc ) where rownum=1;--4 将所有的牙膏商品单价增加10%。update rxy_product set unitprice=unitprice*1.1 where category='牙膏'; --5 删除从未被购买的商品记录。select * from rxy_product where product_id not in(select distinct(product_id) from rxy_purchase);select * from rxy_product p where not exists(select 1 from rxy_purchase pc where p.product_id = pc.product_id);select * from rxy_productwhere product_id in ( select p.product_id from rxy_product p minus select pc.product_id from rxy_purchase pc);?