Select 1 from fexpense e,
fconsign c,
csubchargeitem s,
ccustsuppview csv,
cuser cu1,
cuser cu2
where (e.fexp_creator = ? or exists (select f.FCSG_CONSIGN_ID from FCONSIGN f where f.fcsg_consign_id=e.fexp_consign_id and f.fcsg_creator = : "SYS_B_04 "))
and e.fexp_consign_id = c.fcsg_consign_id(+)
and e.fexp_charge_id = s.csci_ci_id(+)
and e.fexp_settlerment_object = csv.accountNumber(+)
and c.fcsg_creator = cu1.cusr_user_id(+)
and c.fcsg_canvasser = cu2.cusr_user_id(+)
and (e.fexp_forward_flag > ? or e.fexp_forward_flag < ?)
and (e.fexp_cancel_flag > ?or e.fexp_cancel_flag < ?)
and (e.fexp_lump_flag > ?or e.fexp_lump_flag < ?)
and e.fexp_org_id = ?
order by e.fexp_settlerment_object ASC, e.fexp_currency_code ASC
(e.fexp_creator = ? or e.fexp_creator in (select f.FCSG_CONSIGN_ID from FCONSIGN f where f.fcsg_creator = : "SYS_B_04 "))
Analyze Table fexpense compute Statistics; ---更新数据统计
alter index index_name rebuild; -----如果索引没有生效则重编译
因为oracle的优化器默认是按照choose 的,而不是基于规则的。