id cont
1 tel:13933392233
2 asdf;kj
3 x:010-38392231
4 I have a wach
5 I can give you my number:18922363298.and you?
6 your number is 021 3821234234?
7 how are you?
8 and and ... ..hah ha
9 your phone is (86)891-2828228?ok?
10 your dianing room number is 211 or 232?
1 tel:13933392233
3 x:010-38392231
5 I can give you my number:18922363298.and you?
6 your number is 021 3821234234?
9 your phone is (86)891-2828228?ok?
where regexp_like(cont,'正则表达式')
大致的正则过滤 如果要具体的 可以网上搜索 电话正则 很多的 需求不同 写法也不同
with t1 as
select 1 id,'tel:13889233453' cont from dual union all
select 2 id,'x:010-38392231' from dual union all
select 3 id,'I have a wach' from dual union all
select 4 id,'ph:010-33884499' from dual union all
select 5 id,'your number is 021-3821234234?' from dual
select id,cont
from t1
where regexp_like(cont,'(\d{3}-)?\d{8}
or regexp_like(cont,'^1[3