本例子中只是简单地用到了Sprite和SpriteBatchNode等概念,使用TexturePacker进行了图片的处理。WiEngine中读取TexturePacker信息的类为wyZwoptexManager, 代码如下:
wyZwoptexManager* zm = wyZwoptexManager::getInstance();wyTexture2D* tex = wyTexture2D::makePNG(RES("R.drawable.renzhet"));zm->addZwoptex("renzhet", RES("R.raw.renzhet"), tex);
CCSpriteFrameCache* frameCache = [CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache];[frameCache addSpriteFramesWithFile:@"renzhet.plist"];
wyZwoptexManager* zm = wyZwoptexManager::getInstance();wySprite* sprite = zm->makeSprite("boy1.png");
if(self=[super initWithSpriteFrameName:@"boy1.png"]) //别的写法可能更合适
下面是完整的C++代码:#ifndef SAMPLE_H_#define SAMPLE_H_#include "com_wiyun_engine_skeleton_Skeleton.h"#include "FirstScene.h"#include <cstdlib>#include <android/log.h>#define LOG_TAG "SkeletonProject"#define LOGI(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,LOG_TAG,__VA_ARGS__)void runSample();class CloudCache;class ttCloud;class Background;class BoyAndDog;void log(const char* msg);float genRand() { return rand() % 10000 / 10000.0f;}wyLabel* m_hint;class Cloud: public wyLayer {private: wySprite* cloud; float speed;public: Cloud() { buildCloud(); } virtual ~Cloud() { } void buildCloud() { wyZwoptexManager* zm = wyZwoptexManager::getInstance(); char buf[50]; sprintf(buf, "cloud_%d.png", 1); cloud = zm->makeSprite(buf); cloud->setScale(0.5f); addChildLocked(cloud); this->setVisible(false); wyTimer* timer = wyTimer::make( wyTargetSelector::make(this, SEL(Cloud::onUpdateSprite))); scheduleLocked(timer); } void spawn() { LOGI("Cloud#spawn"); this->setVisible(true); speed = genRand() * 0.3f + 0.2f; cloud->setPosition(wyDevice::winWidth + getContentSize().width / 2, genRand() * wyDevice::winHeight / 3 + wyDevice::winHeight / 2); char msg[50]; sprintf(msg, "posy: %f", cloud->getPositionY()); LOGI(msg); } void onUpdateSprite(wyTargetSelector* ts) { if (cloud->isVisible()) { cloud->setPosition(cloud->getPositionX() - speed, cloud->getPositionY()); if (cloud->getPositionX() < 0) { this->setVisible(false); cloud->stopAllActions(true); } } }};class CloudCache: public wyLayer {private: Cloud* clouds[10];public: CloudCache() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { clouds[i] = new Cloud(); clouds[i]->setVisible(false); addChildLocked(clouds[i]); } clouds[0]->spawn(); wyTimer* timer = wyTimer::make( wyTargetSelector::make(this, SEL(CloudCache::onUpdateSprite))); scheduleLocked(timer); } virtual ~CloudCache() { } void spawn() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Cloud* cloud = clouds[i]; if (!cloud->isVisible()) { cloud->spawn(); break; } } } void onUpdateSprite(wyTargetSelector* ts) { float rr = genRand(); if (rr < 0.001) { spawn(); } }};class Background: public wyLayer {private: wySprite* bg[4];public: Background() { buildbg1(); buildbg2(); } virtual ~Background() { } void buildbg1() { wySprite* bg = wySprite::make( wyTexture2D::makeJPG(RES("R.drawable.bg1"))); bg->setPosition(wyDevice::winWidth / 2, wyDevice::winHeight / 2 + 50); bg->setScale(0.5f); addChildLocked(bg); } void buildbg2() { wyZwoptexManager* zm = wyZwoptexManager::getInstance(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int id = i / 2; char sn[20]; sprintf(sn, "bg%d.png", id + 2); bg[i] = zm->makeSprite(sn); bg[i]->setPosition(bg[i]->getContentSize().width * (i%2), bg[i]->getContentSize().height / 2); addChildLocked(bg[i]); } // start to update wyTimer* timer = wyTimer::make( wyTargetSelector::make(this, SEL(Background::onUpdateSprite))); scheduleLocked(timer); } void onUpdateSprite(wyTargetSelector* ts) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (bg[i]->getPositionX() < -bg[i]->getContentSize().width) { bg[i]->setPosition(bg[i]->getContentSize().width-0.3, bg[i]->getPositionY()); } int id = i / 2; bg[i]->setPosition(bg[i]->getPositionX() - 0.1f - 0.7f * id, bg[i]->getPositionY()); } }};class BoyAndDog: public wyLayer {public: BoyAndDog() { wySprite* boy = buildBoy(); wySprite* dog = buildDog(); boy->setPosition(wyDevice::winWidth / 2, boy->getContentSize().height / 2); dog->setPosition(wyDevice::winWidth / 2 - 80, dog->getContentSize().height / 2 - 10); addChildLocked(boy); addChildLocked(dog); } virtual ~BoyAndDog() { } wySprite* buildBoy() { wyZwoptexManager* zm = wyZwoptexManager::getInstance(); // add sprite wySprite* sprite = zm->makeSprite("boy1.png"); // create animation and add it to atlas sprite char buf[128]; wyAnimation* anim = wyAnimation::make(0); for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { sprintf(buf, "boy%d.png", i); wySpriteFrame* f = zm->getSpriteFrame(buf); f->setDuration(0.15f); anim->addFrame(f); } wyAnimate* a = wyAnimate::make(anim); wyRepeatForever* rp = wyRepeatForever::make(a); sprite->runAction(rp); return sprite; } wySprite* buildDog() { wyZwoptexManager* zm = wyZwoptexManager::getInstance(); // add sprite wySprite* sprite = zm->makeSprite("0.png"); sprite->setFlipX(true); // create animation and add it to atlas sprite char buf[128]; wyAnimation* anim = wyAnimation::make(0); int si = 3 * 4; for (int i = si; i < 4 + si; i++) { sprintf(buf, "%d.png", i); wySpriteFrame* f = zm->getSpriteFrame(buf); f->setDuration(0.1f); anim->addFrame(f); } wyAnimate* a = wyAnimate::make(anim); wyRepeatForever* rp = wyRepeatForever::make(a); sprite->runAction(rp); return sprite; }};void log(const char* msg) { if (m_hint != NULL) { m_hint->setText(msg); }}//void runSample() { // init the texture wyZwoptexManager* zm = wyZwoptexManager::getInstance(); wyTexture2D* tex = wyTexture2D::makePNG(RES("R.drawable.renzhet")); zm->addZwoptex("renzhet", RES("R.raw.renzhet"), tex); tex = wyTexture2D::makePNG(RES("R.drawable.dog")); zm->addZwoptex("dog", RES("R.raw.dog"), tex); // setup the texture wyDirector* director = wyDirector::getInstance(); director->setShowFPS(true); // create scene wyScene* scene = new wyScene(); m_hint = wyLabel::make("display some information here", SP(20)); m_hint->setPosition(wyDevice::winWidth / 2, wyDevice::winHeight - m_hint->getContentSize().height / 2); scene->addChildLocked(new Background()); scene->addChildLocked(new BoyAndDog()); scene->addChildLocked(new CloudCache()); scene->addChildLocked(m_hint); // run with it director->runWithScene(scene); // release, the scene and action will be hold by others // so this won't destory them wyObjectRelease(scene);}
使用Android SDK文件夹下tool文件夹下的ddms,然后点击菜单Device=>Screen Capture..或者直接按组合键,ctrl+S,会再弹出一个对话框,也就是截图的对话框,这个时候,你可以刷新,旋转,保存或者复制手机的截图了