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"HTML Tidy for Windows (vers 13 May 2007), see www.w3.org " />
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"text/html; charset=us-ascii " />
<title> title </title>
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function Bold()
window.frames[ 'edit '].document .selection.createRange().execCommand( "Bold ",false,null);
function TOHTML()
window.document.getElementById( 'preview ').innerText =window.frames[ 'edit '].document.body.innerHTML;
function FromHTML()
if (window.document.getElementById( 'preview ').innerText != ' ')
window.frames[ 'edit '].document.body .innerText = ' ';
window.frames[ 'edit '].document.write(window.document.getElementById( 'preview ').innerText);
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"495 " height= "295 " marginWidth= "0 " marginHeight= "0 "> </iframe>
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window.frames[ "edit "].document.designMode= "On ";
window.frames[ "edit "].document.contentEditable = true;
<button onclick= "Bold(); "> Bold </button>
<button onclick= "TOHTML(); "> Page To HTML </button>
<button onclick= "FromHTML(); "> HTML To Page </button>
FF下这个方法吗?execCommand( "Bold ",false,null);