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layout : String/Object

*Important: In order for child items to be correctly sized and positioned, typically a layout manager must be specified through the layout configuration option.

The sizing and positioning of child items is the responsibility of the Container's layout manager which creates and manages the type of layout you have in mind. For example:

new Ext.Window({
    width:300, height: 300,
    layout: 'fit', // explicitly set layout manager: override the default (layout:'auto')
    items: [{
        title: 'Panel inside a Window'

If the layout configuration is not explicitly specified for a general purpose container (e.g. Container or Panel) the default layout manager will be used which does nothing but render child components sequentially into the Container (no sizing or positioning will be performed in this situation). Some container classes implicitly specify a default layout (e.g. FormPanel specifies layout:'form'). Other specific purpose classes internally specify/manage their internal layout (e.g. GridPanel, TabPanel, TreePanel, Toolbar, Menu, etc.).

layout may be specified as either as an Object or as a String:

  • Specify as an Object
    • Example usage:
      layout: {
          type: 'vbox',
          padding: '5',
          align: 'left'
    • type

      The layout type to be used for this container. If not specified, a default Ext.layout.ContainerLayout will be created and used.

      Valid layout type values are:

      • absolute
      • accordion
      • anchor
      • auto     Default
      • border
      • card
      • column
      • fit
      • form
      • hbox
      • menu
      • table
      • toolbar
      • vbox
    • Layout specific configuration properties

      Additional layout specific configuration properties may also be specified. For complete details regarding the valid config options for each layout type, see the layout class corresponding to the type specified.

  • Specify as a String
    • Example usage:
      layout: 'vbox',
      layoutConfig: {
          padding: '5',
          align: 'left'
    • layout

      The layout type to be used for this container (see list of valid layout type values above).

    • layoutConfig

      Additional layout specific configuration properties. For complete details regarding the valid config options for each layout type, see the layout class corresponding to the layout specified.



			// absolute
			var absolute = new Ext.Panel({
						title : '容器面板',
						width : 400,
						height : 300,
						layout : 'absolute',
						items : [{
									title : '面板1',
									xtype : "panel",
									html : "子元素1",
									width : 200,
									height : 100,
									x : 50,
									y : 50
								}, {
									title : '面板2',
									xtype : "panel",
									html : "子元素2",
									width : 200,
									height : 100,
									x : 100,
									y : 80




	// accordion
	new Ext.Panel({
				title : '容器面板',
				renderTo : 'layout',
				width : 200,
				height : 300,
				layout : 'accordion',
				items : [{
							tools : [{
										type : 'gear',
										handler : function() {
											Ext.Msg.alert('提示', '配置按钮被点击。');
									}, {
										type : 'refresh'
							title : 'Accordion Item 1',
							html : '<empty panel>'
						}, {
							title : 'Accordion Item 2',
							html : '<empty panel>'
						}, {
							title : 'Accordion Item 3',
							html : '<empty panel>'




	// anchor
	new Ext.Panel({
				title : '容器面板',
				renderTo : 'layout',
				width : 400,
				height : 300,
				layout : 'anchor',
				items : [{
							tools : [{
										type : 'gear',
										handler : function() {
											Ext.Msg.alert('提示', '配置按钮被点击。');
									}, {
										type : 'refresh'
							title : '面板1',
							xtype : "panel",
							html : "子元素1",
							anchor : '80% 20%'

						}, {
							title : '面板2',
							xtype : "panel",
							html : "子元素2",
							anchor : '-50 -200'
						}, {
							title : '面板3',
							xtype : "panel",
							html : "子元素3",
							anchor : '100% 30%'




	// border
	new Ext.Panel({
				title : '容器面板',
				renderTo : 'layout',
				width : 400,
				height : 300,
				layout : 'border',
				defaults : {
					split : true, // 是否有分割线
					collapsible : true, // 是否可以折叠
					bodyStyle : 'padding:15px'
				items : [{
							region : 'north', // 子元素的方位:north、west、east、center、south
							title : '北',
							xtype : "panel",
							html : "子元素1",
							height : 70
						}, {
							region : 'west',
							title : '西',
							xtype : "panel",
							html : "子元素2",
							width : 100

						}, {
							region : 'east',
							title : '东',
							xtype : "panel",
							html : "子元素2",
							width : 100

						}, {
							region : 'center',
							title : '主体',
							xtype : "panel",
							html : "子元素3"
						}, {
							region : 'south',
							title : '南',
							xtype : "panel",
							html : "子元素4",
							height : 70




	// card
	var cardNav = function(num) {
		var card = Ext.getCmp('cardPanel').getLayout();
		var currId = card.activeItem.id;
		var next = parseInt(currId.substring(currId.length - 1), 10) + num;
		Ext.getCmp('cardPrev').setDisabled(next === 0);
		Ext.getCmp('cardNext').setDisabled(next === card.container.items.length-1);
	new Ext.Panel({
				title : '容器面板',
				renderTo : 'layout',
				width : 400,
				height : 300,
				layout : 'card',
				activeItem : 0, // 默认活动项
				id : 'cardPanel',
				items : [{
							id : 'card0',
							title : '面板1',
							xtype : "panel",
							html : "子元素1"

						}, {
							id : 'card1',
							title : '面板2',
							xtype : "panel",
							html : "子元素2"
						}, {
							id : 'card2',
							title : '面板3',
							xtype : "panel",
							html : "子元素3"
				bbar : ['->', {
							id : 'cardPrev',
							text : '前一页',
							handler : function() {
						}, {
							id : 'cardNext',
							text : '后一页',
							handler : function() {





	new Ext.Panel({
				renderTo : 'layout',
				layout : "column",// column布局
				frame : true,
				width : 700,
				defaults : {
					columnWidth : 0.5,
					buttonAlign : 'center',
					labelStyle : 'float:right'
				items : [{
							layout : "form",// form布局
							padding : "3px 14",
							width : 300,
							labelWidth : 75,
							defaults : {
								xtype : "textfield"

							items : [{
										fieldLabel : "NAME",
										name : "name"
									}, {
										fieldLabel : "PWD",
										name : "pwd"
							buttons : [{
										name : "submit",
										text : "Submit"
									}, {
										name : "Cancel",
										text : "Cancel"
						}, {
							width : 300,
							layout : "fit",// fit布局,填充父容器
							defaults : {
								buttonAlign : "right"
							items : [{
										name : "TextArea",
										xtype : "textarea"
							buttons : [{
										name : "submit",
										text : "Submit"
									}, {
										name : "clear",
										text : "Clear"




	// table
	new Ext.Panel({
				title : '容器面板',
				renderTo : 'layout',
				width : 400,
				height : 300,
				layout : {
					type : 'table',
					columns : 4
				defaults : {
					frame : true,
					width : 70,
					height : 50
				items : [{
							html : '元素1',
							rowspan : 3,
							height : 150
						}, {
							html : '元素2',
							rowspan : 2,
							height : 100
						}, {
							html : '元素3'
						}, {
							html : '元素4'
						}, {
							html : '元素5',
							colspan : 2,
							width : 140
						}, {
							html : '元素6'
						}, {
							html : '元素7'
						}, {
							html : '元素8'




	// vbox
	new Ext.Panel({
				title : '容器面板',
				renderTo : 'layout',
				width : 400,
				height : 300,
				layout : {
					type : 'vbox',
					pack : 'start', // 纵向对齐方式 start:从顶部;center:从中部;end:从底部
					align : 'stretchmax' // 对齐方式
					// center、left、right:居中、左对齐、右对齐;stretch:延伸;stretchmax:以最大的元素为标准延伸
				defaults : {
					xtype : 'button'
				items : [{
					text : '小按钮',
					flex : 1
						// 表示当前子元素尺寸所占的均分的份数。
					}, {
					xtype : 'tbspacer', // 插入的空填充
					flex : 3

					text : '中按钮',
					scale : 'medium'
				}, {
					text : '大按钮',
					width : 120,
					scale : 'large',
					flex : 1




	// hbox
	new Ext.Panel({
				title : '容器面板',
				renderTo : 'layout',
				width : 400,
				height : 300,
				layout : {
					type : 'hbox',
					pack : 'end',
					align : 'middle' // 对齐方式
										// top、middle、bottom:顶对齐、居中、底对齐;stretch:延伸;stretchmax:以最大的元素为标准延伸
				defaults : {
					xtype : 'button'
				items : [{
							text : '小按钮'
						}, {
							text : '中按钮',
							scale : 'medium'
						}, {
							text : '大按钮',
							width : 120,
							scale : 'large'

