????? Apache提供的一个插件包,可以把Action中的数据以JSON做个封装然后返回。
??? 它会将整个action中的变量转化为JSON数据(根对象在JSON中数据添加一个”root”标识)。如果要使用它,Action必须遵循以下几点:
1.?????? 返回的页面类型中”content-type”必须是”application/json”.(这个已经Internet Community采用).
2.?????? JSON内容必须是符合格式要求的.
3.?????? Action中field必须有public的set方法.(是不是没有set方法就不会将field添加到JSON数据中,有待验证).
4.?????? 它支持的类型有: 基本类型(int,long...String), Date, List, Map, Primitive Arrays, 其它class, 对象数组.
5.?????? 在JSON中任何的Object会被封装在list或map中,数据会被封装程Long,如果是含有的数据则会被封装程Double,数组会被封装程List.
?? "doubleValue": 10.10,
?? "nestedBean": {
????? "name": "Mr Bean"
?? },
?? "list": ["A", 10, 20.20, {
????? "firstName": "El Zorro"
?? }],
?? "array": [10, 20]
a.?????? 这个插件支持以下几个注释:
注释名 |
简介 |
默认值 |
序列化 |
反序列化 |
name |
配置JSON中name |
empty |
yes |
no |
serialize |
在serialization中 |
true |
yes |
no |
deserialize |
在deserialization中 |
true |
no |
yes |
format |
格式化Date字段 |
"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss" |
yes |
yes |
<!-- Result fragment -->
<result type="json">
? <param name="excludeProperties">
??? login.password,
??? studentList.*\.sin
? </param>
<!-- Interceptor fragment -->
<interceptor-ref name="json">
? <param name="enableSMD">true</param>
? <param name="excludeProperties">
??? login.password,
??? studentList.*\.sin
? </param>
b.?????? 根对象
?<result type="json">
? <param name="root">
??? person.job
? </param>
<interceptor-ref name="json">
? <param name="root">bean1.bean2</param>
c.?????? 将JSON数据用注释封装
/* {
?? "doubleVal": 10.10,
?? "nestedBean": {
????? "name": "Mr Bean"
?? },
?? "list": ["A", 10, 20.20, {
????? "firstName": "El Zorro"
?? }],
?? "array": [10, 20]
} */
Var responseObject = eval("("+data.substring(data.indexOf("\/\*")+2, data.lastIndexOf("\*\/"))+")");
d.?????? 父类
<result type="json">
? <param name="ignoreHierarchy">false</param>
e.?????? 枚举类型
public enum AnEnum {
???? ValueA,
???? ValueB
? }
? JSON:? "myEnum":"ValueA"
public enum AnEnum {
???? ValueA("A"),
???? ValueB("B");
???? private String val;
???? public AnEnum(val) {
??????? this.val = val;
???? }
???? public getVal() {
??????? return val;
???? }
?? }
? JSON:? myEnum: { "_name": "ValueA", "val": "A" }
<result type="json">
? <param name="enumAsBean">true</param>
f.??????? 例子
a)???????? Action
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action;
public class JSONExample {
??? private String field1 = "str";
??? private int[] ints = {10, 20};
??? private Map map = new HashMap();
??? private String customName = "custom";
??? //'transient' fields are not serialized
??? private transient String field2;
??? //fields without getter method are not serialized
??? private String field3;
??? public String execute() {
??????? map.put("John", "Galt");
??????? return Action.SUCCESS;
??? }
??? public String getField1() {
??????? return field1;
??? }
??? public void setField1(String field1) {
??????? this.field1 = field1;
??? }
??? public int[] getInts() {
??????? return ints;
??? }
??? public void setInts(int[] ints) {
??????? this.ints = ints;
??? }
??? public Map getMap() {
??????? return map;
??? }
??? public void setMap(Map map) {
??????? this.map = map;
??? }
??? @JSON(name="newName")
??? public String getCustomName() {
??????? return this.customName;
??? }
b)??????? Xml配置
?<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
??? "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.0//EN"
??? "http://struts.apache.org/dtds/struts-2.0.dtd">
? <package name="example"? extends="json-default">
??? ?<action name="JSONExample" class="example.JSONExample">
??????? <result type="json"/>
???? </action>
? </package>
1)????? 需要继承json-default包
2)????? <result>签的定义
c)???????? JSON数据
?? "field1" : "str",
?? "ints": [10, 20],
?? "map": {
?????? "John":"Galt"
?? },
?? "newName": "custom"
d)??????? JSON RPC
JSON插件可以在js中调用action方法,返回执行结果。这个已经在dojo中有了实现,可以用Simple Method Definition调用远程服务。来一起看看下面的例子:
package smd;
import com.googlecode.jsonplugin.annotations.SMDMethod;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action;
public class SMDAction {
??? public String smd() {
??????? return Action.SUCCESS;
??? }
??? @SMDMethod
??? public Bean doSomething(Bean bean, int quantity) {
??????? bean.setPrice(quantity * 10);
??????? return bean;
??? }
e)???????? 方法必须用SMDMethod加上注解,这样才能被远程调用,为了安全因素。这个方法会产生一个bean对象,实现修改价格的功能。Action被添加上SMD注解会生成一个SMD,同时参数也会被加上SMDMethodParameter注解。像你所看到的,Action中定义了一个空方法:smd。这个方法是作为Simple Method Definition (定义class中提供的服务),在struts.xml配置<result>时使用type属性值为”json”。
package smd;
public class Bean {
??? private String type;
??? private int price;
??? public String getType() {
??????? return type;
??? }
??? public void setType(String type) {
??????? this.type = type;
??? }
??? public int getPrice() {
??????? return price;
??? }
??? public void setPrice(int price) {
??????? this.price = price;
??? }
<package name="RPC" namespace="/nodecorate" extends="json-default">
??? <action name="SMDAction" class="smd.SMDAction" method="smd">
??????? <interceptor-ref name="json">
??????????? <param name="enableSMD">true</param>
??????? </interceptor-ref>
?? ?????<result type="json">
???????????? <param name="enableSMD">true</param>
??????? </result>
??? </action>
这里需要注意一点:” enableSMD”这个必须在interceptor和result都要配置.
<s:url id="smdUrl" namespace="/nodecorate" action="SMDAction" />
<script type="text/javascript">
??? //load dojo RPC
??? dojo.require("dojo.rpc.*");
??? //create service object(proxy) using SMD (generated by the json result)
??? var service = new dojo.rpc.JsonService("${smdUrl}");
??? //function called when remote method returns
??? var callback = function(bean) {
??????? alert("Price for " + bean.name + " is " + bean.price);
??? };
??? //parameter
??? var bean = {name: "Mocca"};
??? //execute remote method
??? var defered = service.doSomething(bean, 5);
??? //attach callback to defered object
??? defered.addCallback(callback);
f)???????? 代理的对象
<action name="contact" class="package.ContactAction" method="smd">
?? <interceptor-ref name="json">
????? <param name="enableSMD">true</param>
????? <param name="ignoreInterfaces">false</param>
?? </interceptor-ref>
?? <result type="json">
????? <param name="enableSMD">true</param>
????? <param name="ignoreInterfaces">false</param>
?? </result>
?? <interceptor-ref name="default"/>
g)??????? 使用方法
把插件的jar包copy到” /WEB-INF/lib”就可以了。
h)??????? 版本历史