Ext.onReady(function(){ //要使用ExtJS提供的冒泡提示,必须加上下面这句 Ext.QuickTips.init(); Ext.override(Ext.grid.ColumnModel,{ //根据列定义时的给出的ID,得到该列的渲染方法,其实是为了更新单个单元格时,显示与定义一致 getRendererById:function(id){ return this.getRenderer(this.getIndexById(id)); } }); //步骤4: Ext.data.Record.REPLACE = 'repalce';//定义一个记录的替换命令,目前没有什么作用 Ext.override(Ext.data.Record,{ //替换单个字段的值的方法 replace : function(name, value){ var encode = Ext.isPrimitive(value) ? String : Ext.encode; if(encode(this.data[name]) == encode(value)) { return; } this.dirty = true; if(!this.modified){ this.modified = {}; } if(this.modified[name] === undefined){ this.modified[name] = this.data[name]; } this.data[name] = value;//模型更新 this.afterReplace(name,value);//通过Store通知gridview视图更新 }, //通过Store通知gridview视图更新方法 afterReplace:function(name,value){ if (this.store != undefined && typeof this.store.afterReplace == "function") { this.store.afterReplace(this,name,value); } } }); //步骤5: Ext.override(Ext.data.Store,{ //新定义的通知gridview视图更新的方法 afterReplace : function(record,name,value){ if(this.modified.indexOf(record) == -1){ this.modified.push(record); } //通知视图更新 this.fireEvent('repalce',record,name,value, Ext.data.Record.REPLACE); } } ); var myData = [ ['3m Co',71.72,0.02,0.03,'9/1 12:00am'], ['Alcoa Inc',29.01,0.42,1.47,'9/1 12:00am'], ['Altria Group Inc',83.81,0.28,0.34,'9/1 12:00am'] ]; // example of custom renderer function function change(val){ if(val > 0){ return '<span qtip="'+val+'" style="color:green;">' + val + '</span>'; }else if(val < 0){ return '<span qtip="'+val+'" style="color:red;">' + val + '</span>'; } return val; } //使用ExtJS提供的冒泡提示 function titleQtip(val){ return '<span qtip="'+val+'">' + val + '</span>'; } // example of custom renderer function function pctChange(val){ if(val > 0){ return '<span style="color:green;">' + val + '%</span>'; }else if(val < 0){ return '<span style="color:red;">' + val + '%</span>'; } return val; } // create the data store var store = new Ext.data.Store({ proxy: new Ext.ux.data.PagingMemoryProxy(myData), remoteSort:true, sortInfo: {field:'price', direction:'ASC'}, reader: new Ext.data.ArrayReader({ fields: [ {name: 'company'}, {name: 'price', type: 'float'}, {name: 'change', type: 'float'}, {name: 'pctChange', type: 'float'}, {name: 'lastChange', type: 'date', dateFormat: 'n/j h:ia'} ] }) }); Ext.override(Ext.grid.GridView,{ ////步骤7:真正实现GridView更新单个单元格的方法 onReplace:function(record,name,value){ var ds = this.ds, index; if(Ext.isNumber(record)){ index = record; record = ds.getAt(index); if(!record){ return; } }else{ index = ds.indexOf(record); if(index < 0){ return; } } //实现单个字段的更新 document.getElementById(index+name).innerHTML = this.cm.getRendererById(name).call(this,value); }, //步骤6: initData : function(ds, cm){ if(this.ds){ this.ds.un('load', this.onLoad, this); this.ds.un('datachanged', this.onDataChange, this); this.ds.un('add', this.onAdd, this); this.ds.un('remove', this.onRemove, this); this.ds.un('update', this.onUpdate, this); this.ds.un('clear', this.onClear, this); //表格销毁时把这个监听放弃 this.ds.un('repalce', this.onReplace, this); if(this.ds !== ds && this.ds.autoDestroy){ this.ds.destroy(); } } if(ds){ ds.on({ scope: this, load: this.onLoad, datachanged: this.onDataChange, add: this.onAdd, remove: this.onRemove, update: this.onUpdate, clear: this.onClear, //当表格加载Store时,把这个监听添加上 repalce: this.onReplace }); } this.ds = ds; if(this.cm){ this.cm.un('configchange', this.onColConfigChange, this); this.cm.un('widthchange', this.onColWidthChange, this); this.cm.un('headerchange', this.onHeaderChange, this); this.cm.un('hiddenchange', this.onHiddenChange, this); this.cm.un('columnmoved', this.onColumnMove, this); } if(cm){ delete this.lastViewWidth; cm.on({ scope: this, configchange: this.onColConfigChange, widthchange: this.onColWidthChange, headerchange: this.onHeaderChange, hiddenchange: this.onHiddenChange, columnmoved: this.onColumnMove }); } this.cm = cm; }, doRender : function(columns, records, store, startRow, colCount, stripe) { var templates = this.templates, cellTemplate = templates.cell, rowTemplate = templates.row, last = colCount - 1; var tstyle = 'width:' + this.getTotalWidth() + ';'; // buffers var rowBuffer = [], colBuffer = [], rowParams = {tstyle: tstyle}, meta = {}, column, record; //build up each row's HTML for (var j = 0, len = records.length; j < len; j++) { record = records[j]; colBuffer = []; var rowIndex = j + startRow; //build up each column's HTML for (var i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { column = columns[i]; meta.id = column.id; meta.css = i === 0 ? 'x-grid3-cell-first ' : (i == last ? 'x-grid3-cell-last ' : ''); meta.attr = meta.cellAttr = ''; meta.style = column.style; meta.value = column.renderer.call(column.scope, record.data[column.name], meta, record, rowIndex, i, store); //步骤2:定义这个字段的DIV的ID,这个地方是关键,否则我们通过document.getElementById找不到这个DIV,也就不可以实现这个功能了。 meta.divId = j+column.name; if (Ext.isEmpty(meta.value)) { meta.value = ' '; } if (this.markDirty && record.dirty && Ext.isDefined(record.modified[column.name])) { meta.css += ' x-grid3-dirty-cell'; } colBuffer[colBuffer.length] = cellTemplate.apply(meta); } //set up row striping and row dirtiness CSS classes var alt = []; if (stripe && ((rowIndex + 1) % 2 === 0)) { alt[0] = 'x-grid3-row-alt'; } if (record.dirty) { alt[1] = ' x-grid3-dirty-row'; } rowParams.cols = colCount; if (this.getRowClass) { alt[2] = this.getRowClass(record, rowIndex, rowParams, store); } rowParams.alt = alt.join(' '); rowParams.cells = colBuffer.join(''); rowBuffer[rowBuffer.length] = rowTemplate.apply(rowParams); } return rowBuffer.join(''); } }); var ts = {}; ts.cell = new Ext.Template('<td class="x-grid3-col x-grid3-cell x-grid3-td-{id} {css}" style="{style}" tabIndex="0" {cellAttr}>', //步骤1:本来是打开在GridView重写这部分,可是发现代码太多,觉得没有必要,在这里直接定义为Div添加一个id的属性即可。 '<div id=\'{divId}\' class="x-grid3-cell-inner x-grid3-col-{id}" unselectable="on" {attr}>{value}</div>','</td>'); // create the Grid var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ store: store, //步骤3:注意在添加这个属性 viewConfig:{ templates:ts }, columns: [ {id:'company',header: "Company", width: 160, sortable: true,renderer: titleQtip, dataIndex: 'company'}, {header: "Price", width: 75, sortable: true, renderer: 'usMoney', dataIndex: 'price'}, {id:'change',header: "Change", width: 75, sortable: true, renderer: change, dataIndex: 'change'}, {header: "% Change", width: 75, sortable: true, renderer: pctChange, dataIndex: 'pctChange'}, {header: "Last Updated", width: 85, sortable: true, renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('m/d/Y'), dataIndex: 'lastChange'} ], stripeRows: true, autoExpandColumn: 'company', height:320, width:600, frame:true, title:'Sliding Pager', id:'maingrid', plugins: new Ext.ux.PanelResizer({ minHeight: 100 }), bbar: new Ext.PagingToolbar({ pageSize: 10, store: store, displayInfo: true }) }); grid.render('grid-example'); store.load({params:{start:0, limit:10}}); //alert(document.getElementById('1pctChange').innerHTML); }); //测试该功能的代码 function change(){ //修改第2行的company这个字段的值 Ext.getCmp('maingrid').store.getAt(1).replace('company','ddddd'); }
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