当前位置: 代码迷 >> JavaScript >> Donuts-spring2+hibernate3+jsf开发日记(3)


热度:690   发布时间:2012-11-17 11:14:14.0

?1-49)碰到 用dao.load(class,id)出错,提示延迟加载proxy已经关闭,而用dao.get(class,id)没错,难道spring这个getHibernateTemplate().load方法还需要OpenSessionInViewFilter来支持?后来发现并非如此,是因为spring事务拦截中需要配置load*方法的只读属性,不然spring事务中不会让没有配置的方法读取数据的。

?1-50)JSF Core Library中大部分Tag都有rendered这样的属性,这个属性用来控制该组件是否输出,我们只要把原先
??<h:dataTable id="myTable" value="#{backingBean.myList}" var="item"
??rendered="#{not empty backingBean.myList}">
?1-51)EL 表达式? #{not empty myBean.List}

?1-52)这样的标签也支持:<f:verbatim><input type="checkbox" name="chk" value="</f:verbatim><h:outputText value="#{example_messages['date_comp_text3']}"/><f:verbatim> "></f:verbatim>

??????? 1-53)trinidad1.2.1需要设置faces-config.xml的application的renderkit才能正常显示。

??(dao interface,service interface),spring事务处理才大有作为。


?1-56)myeclipse创建bean时,有个Enclosing type 选项,表示创建成为Enclosing type bean的子类

?1-57)> sun未来改进<f:selectItems value="#{someBean.branches}" var="branch" itemValue="#{branch.branchCd}" itemLabel="#{branch.branchLabel}"/>

??<c:forEach var="role" items="#{userForm.userRoles}" varStatus="status">
?????????????? ${role}<c:if test="${!status.last}">,</c:if>
?????????????? <input type="hidden" name="userForm:userRoles" value="${role}" />
?????????? ?</c:forEach>
?1-59)<h:outputText?? value="#{backend.tableUsers.rowIndex?? +?? 1}"?? />?? 这个方法能自动生成行号.

?1-60)selectManyListBox? binding示例:
?My bean code is as below:
?public UIComponentBase getUserGroupsList(){
?EntityManager em = getEntityManager();
?listUserGroup = (List <UserGroup>) em.createQuery("select o from UserGroup as o").getResultList();
?list=new UISelectMany();
?System.out.println("sizeof list:"+listUserGroup.size());

?SelectItem item = new SelectItem();
?for(UserGroup x : listUserGroup) {
?item = new SelectItem(x);

?UISelectItem uiItem = new UISelectItem();
?uiItem.setValue( item );

?list.getChildren().add( uiItem );
?return list;

?The web page code :
?<h:outputText value="User Group Assigned:"/>
?<h:selectManyListbox binding="#{user.userGroupsList}">
I understand that that is typically a solution...but it does not get rid of
the "Validation Error: Value is not valid" problem I'm having. My equals
method (below) is similar to the one you provided. However, what appears to
be happening is that on submit of a UISelectMany or UISelectOne component
(such as selectManyListbox), is that every submitted object is compared to
the original list of selectable objects; obviously, the equals method will
only return true one for each of the submitted objects, and false for as
many other selectable objects as are in the original selectable list.

As long as the submitted values are part of the original list, why am I
getting this "Validation Error: Value is not valid" message? Is there
something else I should be doing, or questioning?

??2)jstl标签中 <c:out value="${teamService}"></c:out>?? ${springbean.property} ,jstl不能操作jsf和spring环境,调用有问题。



??package com.jagie.business.organization;

?? * <p>Title: </p>
?? * <p>Description: 部门节点</p>
?? * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2003</p>
?? * <p>Company: www.jagie.com</p>
?? * @author Jagie
?? * @version 1.0
?? */

??public class Node {
??? private String ID;//pk
??? private String name;//名称
??? private String description;//描述
??? private Node parent;//上级部门
??? private java.util.Set children;//下级部门
??? public static void main(String[] args) {
??? }
??? public String getID() {
???return ID;
??? }
??? public void setID(String ID) {
???this.ID = ID;
??? }
??? public String getName() {
???return name;
??? }
??? public void setName(String name) {
???this.name = name;
??? }
??? public Node getParent() {
???return parent;
??? }
??? public void setParent(Node parent) {
???this.parent = parent;
??? }
??? public String getDescription() {
???return description;
??? }
??? public void setDescription(String description) {
???this.description = description;
??? }
??? public String toString(){
???return name;
??? }
??? public java.util.Set getChildren() {
???return children;
??? }
??? public void setChildren(java.util.Set children) {
???this.children = children;
??? }

??<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
??<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping SYSTEM "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-2.0.dtd">
??? <class name="com.jagie.business.organization.Node" table="SYS_Node">
???<id name="ID">
???? <generator class="uuid.hex" />
???<property name="name" />
???<property name="description" />
???<set cascade="save-update" inverse="true" lazy="true" name="children">
???? <key column="parent" />
???? <one-to-many class="com.jagie.business.organization.Node" />
???<many-to-one cascade="none" class="com.jagie.business.organization.Node"
???? column="parent" name="parent" />
??? </class>


?? //获取net.sf.hibernate.Session和net.sf.hibernate.Transaction;
?? Session s = JDOUtils.getInstance().getSessionFactory().openSession();
?? Transaction t = s.beginTransaction();
?? //建立父节点
?? Node org = new Node();
?? org.setName("北京总公司");
?? org.setDescription("这是北京总公司");

?? //建立子节点
?? Node org2 = new Node();
?? org2.setName("海淀分公司");
?? org2.setDescription("这是海淀分公司");
?? //建立子节点对父节点的引用
?? org2.setParent(org);
?? //持久化
?? s.save(org);
?? s.save(org2);

?? t.commit();
?? s.close();

??id??? varchar2(255)???????????
??name??? varchar2(255)??? y???????
??description??? varchar2(255)??? y???????
??parent??? varchar2(255)??? y???????


?1-64) 树形遍历不用递归,用堆栈.
???? /**?
???? * 树形遍历?
???? * 不用递归,用堆栈.?
???? * 这里只是做为例子,本人不建议把业务逻辑封装在Entity层.?
??????????????? */?
??? public List getVisitResults() {??
??????? List l = new ArrayList();??
??????? Stack s = new Stack();??
??????? s.push(this);??
??????? while (s.empty() == false) {
?????????? Cat c = (Cat) s.pop();
?????????? l.add(c);??
?????????? List children = c.getChildren();??
????????????? if (children != null) {??
???????????????? for (int i = 0; i <? hildren.size(); i++)?? {??
??????????? Cat cat = (Cat) children.get(i);??
??????????? s.push(cat);??
???????????????? }//end for??
???????????? }//end if??
??????? }//end while??
??????? return l;??
??? }?

?我用 Connection 来试了试,很快就完成了 20w 数据的输入,哎~ Hibernate
?Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
?Transaction tran = session.beginTransaction();
?PreparedStatement stmt;
?try {
?stmt = session.connection().prepareStatement("INSERT INTO EVENTS(EVENT_DATE, title) VALUES(?,?)");
?for (int i = 0; i < 200000; i++) {
?stmt.setTimestamp(1, new Timestamp(new Date().getTime()));
?stmt.setString(2, "Title["+i+"]");
?} catch (SQLException e) {
?e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates.

