Proxool Provider unable to load JAXP configurat or file: proxool.xml
<?xml version= '1.0 ' encoding= 'UTF-8 '?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN "
"http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd ">
<property name= "hibernate.proxool.pool_alias "> dbpool </property>
<property name= "hibernate.proxool.xml "> proxool.xml </property>
<property name= "connection.provider_class "> org.hibernate.connection.ProxoolConnectionProvider </property>
<property name= "hibernate.show_sql "> false </property>
<property name= "hibernate.dialect "> org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect </property>
<property name= "hibernate.connection.driver_class "> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver </property>
<!-- Mapping files -->
<mapping resource= "com/tcs/bean/entitybean/Employee.hbm.xml " />
<?Xml version= "1.0 " encoding= "utf-8 "?>
<!-- the proxool configuration can be embedded within your own application 's.
Anything outside the "proxool " tag is ignored. -->
<alias> dbpool </alias>
<driver-class> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver </driver-class>
<property name= "user " value= "root " />
<property name= "password " value= "123123 " />
<!-- proxool自动侦察各个连接状态的时间间隔(毫秒),侦察到空闲的连接就马上回收,超时的销毁-->
<house-keeping-sleep-time> 90000 </house-keeping-sleep-time>
<!-- 最少保持的空闲连接数-->
<prototype-count> 5 </prototype-count>