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httpclient怎么 设置连接超时

热度:124   发布时间:2016-04-17 13:42:22.0
httpclient如何 设置连接超时?
HttpClient   httpclient   =   new   HttpClient();

setSoTimeOut 当然可以啦!!

Java code
要看源码啊,老兄    /**     * Sets the timeout until a connection is etablished. A value of zero      * means the timeout is not used. The default value is zero.     *      * @see HttpConnection#setConnectionTimeout(int)     * @param newTimeoutInMilliseconds Timeout in milliseconds.     *      * @deprecated Use      * {@link org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpConnectionManagerParams#setConnectionTimeout(int)},     * {@link HttpConnectionManager#getParams()}.     */    public synchronized void setConnectionTimeout(int newTimeoutInMilliseconds) {       this.httpConnectionManager.getParams().setConnectionTimeout(newTimeoutInMilliseconds);    }    /**     * Sets the socket timeout (<tt>SO_TIMEOUT</tt>) in milliseconds which is the      * timeout for waiting for data. A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an      * infinite timeout.     *     * @param newTimeoutInMilliseconds Timeout in milliseconds     *      * @deprecated Use      * {@link org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpConnectionManagerParams#setSoTimeout(int)},     * {@link HttpConnectionManager#getParams()}.     *     */    public synchronized void setTimeout(int newTimeoutInMilliseconds) {        this.params.setSoTimeout(newTimeoutInMilliseconds);    }
没注意时间顶起了这么老的帖子 晕