asp 转成JSP 怎么写?大侠们指点
set conn=server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
set rs1=conn.execute("select sum(姓数字) as 姓数字,sum(名数字) as 名数字 from (select '姓数字'=数字, '名数字 '=0 from name.dbo.table1 WHERE 汉字 = '"+textXing+"' UNION select '姓数字'=0, '名数字'= 数字 from name.dbo.table1 WHERE 汉字='"+textMing+"' )aa" )
Dim numberOfXing=rs1("姓数字")
Dim numberOfMing=rs1("名数字")
set rs1=nothing
------解决方案-------------------- rs1 = null;
------解决方案-------------------- 对着api 改吧有些东西不一样。
------解决方案-------------------- 你这段代码应该是Odbc访问数据库的吧,换成Jdbc就行了。大致试着改一下,具体细节你再调试(默认给你写到一个servlet的doPost方法里,因为看你用到了HttpResponse对象):
Connection conn=null; PreparedStatement prpst=null; ResultSet rs=null; Class.forName("adodb.connection"); conn=DriverManager.getConnection("这里的url你参考一下SQLOLEDB文档的格式","sa","123456"); String sql="select sum(姓数字) as 姓数字,sum(名数字) as 名数字 from (select '姓数字'=数字, '名数字 '=0 from name.dbo.table1 WHERE 汉字 = '"+textXing+"' UNION select '姓数字'=0, '名数字'= 数字 from name.dbo.table1 WHERE 汉字='"+textMing+"' )aa"; prpst=conn.prepareStatement(sql); rs=prpst.executeQuery(); if({ Dim d=new Dim(); d.setNumberOfXing(rs.getString(1)); d.setNumberOfMing(rs.getString(2)); response.getWriter().writer(d); } conn.close(); prpst.close(); rs.close();------解决方案-------------------- 引用: 楼上:调试出好多ERROR,我怀疑是不是见了鬼了。asp 好好的。换成jsp就全错。 ssage Unable to compile class for JSP: description The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request. exceptionorg.apache.jasper.JasperException : Unable to compile class for JSP: An error occurred at line: 16 in the jsp file: /csdnhelp.jsp Connection cannot be resolved to a type 13: String textXing="张"; 14: String textMing="秋"; 15: 16: Connection conn=null; 17: PreparedStatement prpst=null; 18: ResultSet rs=null; 19: Class.forName("adodb.connection"); An error occurred at line: 17 in the jsp file: /csdnhelp.jsp PreparedStatement cannot be resolved to a type 14: String textMing="秋"; 15: 16: Connection conn=null; 17: PreparedStatement prpst=null; 18: ResultSet rs=null; 19: Class.forName("adodb.connection"); 20: conn=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;","sa","105936"); An error occurred at line: 18 in the jsp file: /csdnhelp.jsp ResultSet cannot be resolved to a type 15: 16: Connection conn=null; 17: PreparedStatement prpst=null; 18: ResultSet rs=null; 19: Class.forName("adodb.connection"); 20: conn=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;","sa","105936"); 21: String sql="select sum(姓数字) as 姓数字,sum(名数字) as 名数字 from (select '姓数字'=数字, '名数字 '=0 from name.dbo.table1 WHERE 汉字 = '"+textXing+"' UNION select '姓数字'=0, '名数字'= 数字 from name.dbo.table1 WHERE 汉字='"+textMing+"' )aa"; An error occurred at line: 20 in the jsp file: /csdnhelp.jsp DriverManager cannot be resolved 17: PreparedStatement prpst=null; 18: ResultSet rs=null; 19: Class.forName("adodb.connection"); 20: conn=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;","sa","105936"); 21: String sql="select sum(姓数字) as 姓数字,sum(名数字) as 名数字 from (select '姓数字'=数字, '名数字 '=0 from name.dbo.table1 WHERE 汉字 = '"+textXing+"' UNION select '姓数字'=0, '名数字'= 数字 from name.dbo.table1 WHERE 汉字='"+textMing+"' )aa"; 22: prpst=conn.prepareStatement(sql); 23: rs=prpst.executeQuery(); An error occurred at line: 25 in the jsp file: /csdnhelp.jsp Dim cannot be resolved to a type 22: prpst=conn.prepareStatement(sql); 23: rs=prpst.executeQuery(); 24: if({ 25: Dim d=new Dim(); 26: d.setNumberOfXing(rs.getString(1)); 27: d.setNumberOfMing(rs.getString(2)); 28: response.getWriter().writer(d);