当前位置: 代码迷 >> Java相关 >> synchronized同步引发的思忖


热度:106   发布时间:2016-04-22 19:57:02.0




 1 package com.coderweb.sys.util; 2  3 public class TxtThread implements Runnable { 4  5     Integer num = 10000; 6     String str = new String(); 7  8     @Override 9     public void run() {10         synchronized (num) {11             while (true) {12                 if (num > 0) {13                     try {14                         // Thread.sleep(10);15                     } catch (Exception e) {16                         e.getMessage();17                     }18                     System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()19                             + " this is " + num--);20 21                     // str+="1";22                 } else {23                     break;24                 }25 26             }27         }28     }29 30     public static void main(String[] args) {31         TxtThread tt = new TxtThread();32         new Thread(tt).start();33         new Thread(tt).start();34         new Thread(tt).start();35         new Thread(tt).start();36     }37 }
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Thread-0 this is 10000
Thread-2 this is 9999
Thread-0 this is 9998
Thread-2 this is 9997
Thread-3 this is 9995
Thread-0 this is 9996
Thread-3 this is 9993
Thread-3 this is 9991
Thread-3 this is 9990
Thread-3 this is 9989
Thread-3 this is 9988
Thread-3 this is 9987
Thread-3 this is 9986
Thread-3 this is 9985




 1 package com.coderweb.sys.util; 2  3 public class TxtThread implements Runnable { 4  5     Integer num = 10000; 6     String str = new String(); 7  8     @Override 9     public void run() {10         synchronized (str) {11             while (true) {12                 if (num > 0) {13                     try {14                         // Thread.sleep(10);15                     } catch (Exception e) {16                         e.getMessage();17                     }18                     System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()19                             + " this is " + num--);20 21                     // str+="1";22                 } else {23                     break;24                 }25 26             }27         }28     }29 30     public static void main(String[] args) {31         TxtThread tt = new TxtThread();32         new Thread(tt).start();33         new Thread(tt).start();34         new Thread(tt).start();35         new Thread(tt).start();36     }37 }
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Thread-0 this is 10000
Thread-0 this is 9999
Thread-0 this is 9998
Thread-0 this is 9997
Thread-0 this is 9996
Thread-0 this is 9995


Thread-0 this is 5
Thread-0 this is 4
Thread-0 this is 3
Thread-0 this is 2
Thread-0 this is 1




package com.coderweb.sys.util;public class TxtThread implements Runnable {    Integer num = 10000;    String str = new String();    Integer testI = 0;    @Override    public void run() {        synchronized (testI) {            while (true) {                if (num > 0) {                    try {                        // Thread.sleep(10);                    } catch (Exception e) {                        e.getMessage();                    }                    System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()                            + " this is " + num--);                    // str+="1";                } else {                    break;                }            }        }    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        TxtThread tt = new TxtThread();        new Thread(tt).start();        new Thread(tt).start();        new Thread(tt).start();        new Thread(tt).start();    }}
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Thread-0 this is 10000
Thread-0 this is 9999
Thread-0 this is 9998
Thread-0 this is 9997
Thread-0 this is 9996
Thread-0 this is 9995
Thread-0 this is 9994
Thread-0 this is 9993


Thread-0 this is 7
Thread-0 this is 6
Thread-0 this is 5
Thread-0 this is 4
Thread-0 this is 3
Thread-0 this is 2
Thread-0 this is 1




 1 package com.coderweb.sys.util; 2  3 public class TxtThread implements Runnable { 4  5     Integer num = 10000; 6     String str = new String(); 7  8     @Override 9     public void run() {10         synchronized (str) {11             while (true) {12                 if (num > 0) {13                     try {14                         // Thread.sleep(10);15                     } catch (Exception e) {16                         e.getMessage();17                     }18                     System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()19                             + " this is " + num--);20 21                      str+="1";22                 } else {23                     break;24                 }25 26             }27         }28     }29 30     public static void main(String[] args) {31         TxtThread tt = new TxtThread();32         new Thread(tt).start();33         new Thread(tt).start();34         new Thread(tt).start();35         new Thread(tt).start();36     }37 }
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Thread-3 this is 9774
Thread-2 this is 9779
Thread-3 this is 9773
Thread-0 this is 9777
Thread-3 this is 9771
Thread-3 this is 9769
Thread-3 this is 9768
Thread-2 this is 9772
Thread-3 this is 9767
Thread-0 this is 9770
Thread-3 this is 9765
Thread-2 this is 9766
Thread-3 this is 9763
Thread-0 this is 9764
Thread-3 this is 9761







public final class Integer extends Number implements Comparable<Integer> {         /**     * The value of the <code>Integer</code>.     *     * @serial     */    private final int value;/**     * Compares this object to the specified object.  The result is     * <code>true</code> if and only if the argument is not     * <code>null</code> and is an <code>Integer</code> object that     * contains the same <code>int</code> value as this object.     *     * @param   obj   the object to compare with.     * @return  <code>true</code> if the objects are the same;     *          <code>false</code> otherwise.     */    public boolean equals(Object obj) {    if (obj instanceof Integer) {        return value == ((Integer)obj).intValue();    }    return false;    } /**     * Returns a hash code for this <code>Integer</code>.     *     * @return  a hash code value for this object, equal to the      *          primitive <code>int</code> value represented by this      *          <code>Integer</code> object.      */    public int hashCode() {    return value;    }



 1 public static void main(String[] args) { 2 //        TxtThread tt = new TxtThread(); 3 //        new Thread(tt).start(); 4 //        new Thread(tt).start(); 5 //        new Thread(tt).start(); 6 //        new Thread(tt).start(); 7          8         Integer number = 5; 9         Integer number2 = number;10         number2--;11         System.out.println("number---"+number);12         System.out.println("number2---"+number2);13         System.out.println("number ==number2? "+(number==number2));14     }
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Re: 24K纯码农
@digdeep,博客刚开始 谢谢支持