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热度:7838   发布时间:2013-02-25 21:49:47.0
this is the final project of me. but I do not how to start it. Could u help me? Sorry, in my school i can not use chinese.

Job Distribution and Control

There are a variety of scenarios in which we want to perform a particular computation or execute a particular job for a large number of parameters or inputs, while we also have a number of computers/servers at our disposal to get this done. 

In such scenarios it is beneficial to have a tool which distributes the required computations/jobs onto the available computers/servers, checks the process that the computations makes, and reports back the results. 

The aim of the project is to develop such a tool. To simplify matters, it can be assumed that the various computations/jobs are completely independent of each other, and that we have no advance knowledge of the time and resources that each computation will require. 

A possible approach is to develop a client-server system in Java. Of particular interest would be the use of web services. 
