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JAVA 实验报告 程序

热度:612   发布时间:2008-11-16 15:39:33.0
JAVA 实验报告 程序

(1)    设计一个随机显示单词功能,要求:

(2)    学生选课(学生课程自定):

[[it] 本帖最后由 liumang_D 于 2008-11-16 15:40 编辑 [/it]]
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import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Random;

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JTextField;

public class ThreadTest extends JFrame{
    private Container container;
    private JLabel timeLabel;
    private JTextField timeField;
    private JLabel wordLabel;
    private JTextField wordField;
    public ThreadTest() {
        container = getContentPane();
        timeLabel = new JLabel("当  前  时  间",JLabel.CENTER);
        timeField = new JTextField(17);
        wordLabel = new JLabel("随  机  单  词",JLabel.CENTER);
        wordField = new JTextField(17);
        container.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,2));
    public void runThread(){
        Thread timeThread = new Thread(new TimeDisplay());
        Thread wordThread = new Thread(new WordDisplay());
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new ThreadTest().runThread();
    private class TimeDisplay implements Runnable{
        public void run(){
                }catch(Exception e){}
    private class WordDisplay implements Runnable{
        private String[] words =
                ("Java software powers the onboard computers in toys cars planes rockets and " +
                "even the NASA Mars Rover It brings interactivity to the Internet real-time " +
                "graphics to television instant imaging to cameras and multi-player games " +
                "to mobile phones and desktop PCs It connects the largest enterprises and " +
                "smallest businesses to their employees customers and data And it secures the " +
                "vast majority of electronic transactions in retail finance government science " +
                "and medicine In short Java technology goes everywhere you go").toLowerCase().split(" ");
        private Random rand;
            rand = new Random();
        public void run(){
                }catch(Exception e){}
