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[求助]a problem, please help

热度:928   发布时间:2004-04-15 19:10:00.0
[求助]a problem, please help
i m currently doing my assignment, and the whole thing s about a word guessing game, part of it is like:
it is got a destination list, and then ask the user to input a destination, either is upper or lower case, so that the user will get to that destination, and when the user put an invalid destination, which means not in the list. the program should keep asking the user to input the destination until a valid one, and my question is, how can i tell if the user has input an invalid destination, someone told me to use a loop , checking using StringTokenizer to seperate destination list, and i tried, but it didnt work! so anyone help me???? and i m sure u have to use loop. coz thats what we been taught recently!
for example,
Destination list: B,C,E,
Enter the destination: F
Enter the destination: k
Enter the destination: o
Enter the destination: v
and so on.........
搜索更多相关的解决方案: problem  please  help  




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I had a english-java section for your study, shall you ?


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