hey, all,
I've successfully developed a new WEB system with the XML technologies. here i'd like to share my theory and practice with you.
first, I've been very familiar with Microsoft's MSXML v4.0, so I made all html protoType of my designing system. With XMLHTTP component communicating with Servlet which receiving data from DAO and sending data to EJB under the help of XML templet files that are absolutely coherent with Database scheme.
to my surprise, all servlets in my system are all of four lines of codes which only act as a pass-bridge.
the communication between the MSXML v4 and Servlet is very perfect, the impression of front-pages of HTML are all just like the forms in VB6. such as the Datagrid, sorting, data edit in client-side cache, the master-detail relationship, all of these are impletmented on HTML pages and can easily be throwed to EJB or gotten form DAO.
THe link between DAO, EJB, servlet and HTML is XML files, i won't need help class, complicated servlet or JSP scriptlet, I also killed simple java bean, jsp Tag, all method constructor is all the same---one parameter(Document xmlDoc) all jsp pages are all of HTML, but dynamical function is more powerful than JSP pages
really cooooooollllllllll.............
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-06-08 09:02:34编辑过]
by the way,
later , I have named the new structure -----OTO development theory for web industry
out : DATABASE ----> DAO---(xml datastream)---->SERVLET--(xml datastream)--->HTML(MSXML)
in : HTML(MSXML)--(xml datastream)-->SERVLET---(xml datastream)-->EJB----->DATABASE