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热度:36   发布时间:2016-04-17 18:28:19.0
Question: Provide a function to accept an integer array and computes the maximum consecutive sum. If the maximum sum is negative, this function returns zero.



public class ConsecutiveSum {        public int max_sum(int[] x){                int max_ending_here = 0;                int max_so_far = 0;                int i;                int n = x.length;                for(i=0;i<n;++i){                        if(max_ending_here+x[i]<0) {                                max_ending_here = 0;                        }else{                                max_ending_here += x[i];                        }                        if(max_ending_here > max_so_far){                                max_so_far = max_ending_here;                        }                }                return max_so_far;        }        public static void main(String[] args){                int[] x= new int[] {2,-3,1,-1,3,-2,-3,3};                int i,n=x.length;                System.out.println("Maximun Consecutive Elements Sum Program");                System.out.println("========================================");                System.out.println("Given Array : ");                for(i=0;i<n;++i) {                        System.out.print(x[i]+" ");                }                System.out.println();                System.out.println("Maximum Sum is "+new ConsecutiveSum().max_sum(x));        }}

Lab-Computer-0db2f6:~ labuser$ java ConsecutiveSum
Maximun Consecutive Elements Sum Program
Given Array :
2 -3 1 -1 3 -2 -3 3
Maximum Sum is 3
