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神奇的接口中处理 toString() 有关问题!

热度:247   发布时间:2016-04-24 17:59:20.0
神奇的接口中处理 toString() 问题!!
今天突然发现这样一个问题   就是接口中好像也有默认的toString()   方法   象下面的这个例子:
interface   test

public   class   TesttoString   implements   test
private   String   s;
public   TesttoString(String   str){
s   =   str;
public   String   toString(){
return   s;
public   String   returnS(){
return   s;
public   static   void   main(String[]   args){
test   o   =   new   TesttoString( "I   don 't   know!! ");

我没有在接口中定义   toString()   方法   但是实现他的类   TesttoString   却可以向上转型付给   test   如果是   子类继承自父类的话   这个就好理解,类都是   Object   的子孙,   但是我好像没有在那本书上看见说接口   有这个功能的呀   !   象o.returnS()这个调用会报错的,这个也好理解   但就是toString()   呀   !!!!

interface test has access to method toString(), this method is from class Object.

In class TesttoString, toString() method is overridden. When the program is running, the overridding toString() method in class TesttoString is called based on the object type instead of variable reference type.
interface test has access to method toString(), this method is from class Object.

This toString() method is overridden in class TesttoString. When the program is running, the overridding toString() method in class TesttoString is called based on the object type instead of variable reference type.

而是 “所有的对象都默认拥用Object类的方法,刚好看起来符合继承这条规则”

Sun的官方文档TJLS(The Java Language Specification)吧!其中第9章9.2节关于接口有这么一段话:

If an interface has no direct superinterfaces, then the interface implicitly
declares a public abstract member method m with signature s, return type r,
and throws clause t corresponding to each public instance method m with
signature s, return type r, and throws clause t declared in Object, unless a
method with the same signature, same return type, and a compatible throws
clause is explicitly declared by the interface. It is a compile-time error if the
interface explicitly declares such a method m in the case where m is declared to
be final in Object.

> > 接口不能有实例的,接口只是提供了一系列的方法接口,且都是空的,以供多肽机制的