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java 中的 non-constant field 指的是哪些字段?该怎么解决

热度:350   发布时间:2016-04-24 12:52:58.0
java 中的 non-constant field 指的是哪些字段?

The same is not true of interfaces(指接口的第一次初始化与类不同), however. An interface is initialized only because a non-constant field declared by the interface is used

就是不知道这里面的non-constant field 指的是哪些字段?

接口中不能定义non-constant field,应该是书上印错了。关于接口何时初始化,可以看看下面这段代码。

Java code
public class Main {    public Main(String M) {        System.out.println(M);    }        public static void main(String[] args) {        I1 a = new C2();        System.out.println("---------");        Main M = C2.M;    }}interface I1 {    Main M = new Main("I1");}class C1 {    public static final Main N = new Main("C1");}class C2 extends C1 implements I1 {}