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java tcp发送图片,为什么它总是报错:socket cannot be resolved to a type,该怎么处理

热度:411   发布时间:2016-04-24 02:18:58.0
java tcp发送图片,为什么它总是报错:socket cannot be resolved to a type
Java code
public class tcpfasong {    Socket socket;    BufferedOutputStream os;        tcpfasong() throws SocketException,IOException        {    try{   InputStream in=new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream("C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\fasong.jpg"));        socket=new Socket(InetAddress.getByName("localhost"),10000);    os=new BufferedOutputStream(new socket.getOutputStream());        int i;    byte []buf=new byte[60000];    while((i=in.read(buf))!=-1)    {        os.write(buf);    }    }catch(IOException e){System.out.print("1"+e);}    socket.close();    }    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub    new tcpfasong();    }}


socket cannot be resolved to a type

os=new BufferedOutputStream(new socket.getOutputStream());