Warning: Running JAM, Ignoring all other options (but "-Xheapsize ", and OTA flags if provided)
Running with storage root DefaultColorPhone
Running with locale: Chinese_People 's Republic of China.936
The MIDlet suite was not found.
Execution completed.
41557 bytecodes executed
2 thread switches
890 classes in the system (including system classes)
335 dynamic objects allocated (19356 bytes)
1 garbage collections (0 bytes collected)
应该是ECLIPSE设置 问题,呵呵,你按这个以下方法试下
Window-> Preferences-> Java-> Debug
去掉Suspend execution on uncaught exceptions的对勾
去掉Suspend execution on compilation errors的对勾
底部Debugger timeout (ms)的数值改成15000
Launch timeout (ms)的数值改成20000