在ibatis中使用oracle的sql语句,但是无法解析 case when ....end 语句
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE sqlMap PUBLIC "-//iBATIS.com//DTD SQL Map 2.0//EN" "http://www.ibatis.com/dtd/sql-map-2.dtd">
<sqlMap namespace="mapDataDay">
<select id="showmapout" resultClass="java.util.HashMap">
select t.acct_month "acct_month",
t.day_id "day_id",
t.area_no "area_no",
t3.mnemonic "mnemonic",
t2.area_name "area_name",
TO_CHAR(sum(t.pay_fee) / 10000,'FM999,999,999,990.0') "pay_fee",
TO_CHAR(sum(t.pay_fee_hb) / 10000,'FM999,999,999,990.0') "pay_fee_hb",
TO_CHAR(sum(t.pay_fee - t.pay_fee_hb) / 10000,'FM999,999,999,990.0') "zz",
case when sum(t.pay_fee_hb)=0 then to_char(100) else
TO_CHAR((sum(t.pay_fee - t.pay_fee_hb) / sum(t.pay_fee_hb)) * 100,
'FM999,999,999,990.0') end "zz_bfb",
'万元' "kpi_dw"
from dm.dm_sett_call_portal_d t,
dim.dim_area_code t2,
dim.dim_area_mnemonic t3
where t.acct_month = 201102
and t.day_id = 01
and t.area_no = t2.area_code
and t2.area_code = t3.area_no
and t.pay_type in ('02', '05')
and t.agent_no not like '0202%'
group by t.area_no, t.acct_month, t2.area_name, t3.mnemonic,t.day_id,t.pay_fee_hb
order by sum(t.pay_fee - t.pay_fee_hb)
case when sum(t.pay_fee_hb)=0 then to_char(100) else
TO_CHAR((sum(t.pay_fee - t.pay_fee_hb) / sum(t.pay_fee_hb)) * 100,
'FM999,999,999,990.0') end case "zz_bfb",
select case when to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd')='2011-05-03' then to_char(100)
else to_char(99999,'FM999,999,999,990.0') end "test",sysdate from dual
楼主可否把错误提示贴出来啊 看你的语句木有错误啊