当前位置: 代码迷 >> J2EE >> 启动android模拟器 一直停留在ANDROID_界面 ,那个上划线一直闪,

启动android模拟器 一直停留在ANDROID_界面 ,那个上划线一直闪,

热度:12   发布时间:2016-04-22 00:43:51.0
启动android模拟器 一直停留在ANDROID_界面 ,那个下划线一直闪,,
[2012-08-19 18:58:17 - MyThirdPage] Android Launch!
[2012-08-19 18:58:17 - MyThirdPage] adb is running normally.
[2012-08-19 18:58:17 - MyThirdPage] Performing com.example.a3.MyThirdPage activity launch
[2012-08-19 18:58:17 - MyThirdPage] Automatic Target Mode: using existing emulator 'emulator-5554' running compatible AVD 'myandroid'
[2012-08-19 18:58:17 - MyThirdPage] WARNING: Application does not specify an API level requirement!
[2012-08-19 18:58:17 - MyThirdPage] Device API version is 9 (Android 2.3)
[2012-08-19 18:58:17 - MyThirdPage] Uploading MyThirdPage.apk onto device 'emulator-5554'
[2012-08-19 18:58:17 - MyThirdPage] Installing MyThirdPage.apk...
[2012-08-19 18:58:21 - MyThirdPage] Success!
[2012-08-19 18:58:21 - MyThirdPage] Starting activity com.example.a3.MyThirdPage on device emulator-5554
[2012-08-19 18:58:25 - MyThirdPage] Device not ready. Waiting 3 seconds before next attempt.
[2012-08-19 18:58:28 - MyThirdPage] Starting activity com.example.a3.MyThirdPage on device emulator-5554
[2012-08-19 18:58:31 - MyThirdPage] Device not ready. Waiting 3 seconds before next attempt.
[2012-08-19 18:58:34 - MyThirdPage] Starting activity com.example.a3.MyThirdPage on device emulator-5554
[2012-08-19 18:58:37 - MyThirdPage] Device not ready. Waiting 3 seconds before next attempt.
[2012-08-19 18:58:40 - MyThirdPage] Starting activity com.example.a3.MyThirdPage on device emulator-5554
[2012-08-19 18:58:44 - MyThirdPage] Device not ready. Waiting 3 seconds before next attempt.
[2012-08-19 18:58:47 - MyThirdPage] Starting activity com.example.a3.MyThirdPage on device emulator-5554
[2012-08-19 18:58:51 - MyThirdPage] ActivityManager: Error type 2
[2012-08-19 18:58:51 - MyThirdPage] ActivityManager: android.util.AndroidException: Can't connect to activity manager; is the system running?

你的项目SDK api环境和你的模拟器的版本不一致。
WARNING: Application does not specify an API level requirement!
打开SDK Manager升级一下.