在开发的iPhone APP中,有个设计是:当APP从后台(Background)返回到前台(Foreground)时,会进行一些网络连接获取新的数据,网络请求是使用ASIHTTPRequest完成的。但是在测试中发现一个问题:在运行APP时进入锁屏状态,当解锁后显示时,APP会从Background状态进入到Froeground状态,按照设计此时会进行网络连接更新数据,但是ASIHTTPRequest请求却返回了错误,如下
Error Domain=ASIHTTPRequestErrorDomain Code=1 "A connection failure occurred" UserInfo=0x69f400 {NSUnderlyingError=0x6e9fc0 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Broken pipe", NSLocalizedDescription=A connection failure occurred}
返回的错误是“Broken pipe”,这个错误的意思是对端(服务器端)将连接关闭了,而客户端不知道,仍然使用了已经关闭的连接。
// An array of connectionInfo dictionaries.// When attempting a persistent connection, we look here to try to find an existing connection to the same server that is currently not in usestatic NSMutableArray *persistentConnectionsPool = nil;
HTTP中有个持久连接(persistent connection)的技术,也叫做HTTP keep-alive或者HTTP connection reuse,其意思时,在同一个TCP连接上,进行多次的HTTP请求/回复的发送和接收,相对于每个HTTP请求/回复都新建一个连接,这种方式可以减少系统消耗。
ASIHTTPRequest中也使用了这种技术,如果当前HTTP连接属于持久连接,则会将TCP连接保存到持久连接池(persistentConnectionsPool)中,如果之后的HTTP请求请求的是同一个服务器,则会复用连接池中的连接发送HTTP请求以及接收HTTP回复,见ASIHTTPRequest帮助文档中的Configuring persistent connections节。
By default, ASIHTTPRequest will attempt to keep connections to a server open so that they can be reused by other requests to the same server (this generally results in significant speed boost, especially if you have many small requests). Persistent connections will be used automatically when connecting to an HTTP 1.1 server, or when the server sends a keep-alive header. Persistent connections are not used if the server explicitly sends a ‘Connection: close’ header. Additionally, ASIHTTPRequest will not use persistent connections for requests that include a body (eg POST/PUT) by default (as of v1.8.1). You can force the use of persistent connections for these request by manually setting the request method, then turning persistent connections back on:
[request setRequestMethod:@"PUT"];[request setShouldAttemptPersistentConnection:YES];
Many servers do not provide any information in response headers on how long to keep a connection open, and may close the connection at any time after a request is finished. If the server does not send any information about how long the connection should be used, ASIHTTPRequest will keep connections to a server open for 60 seconds after any request has finished using them. Depending on your server configuration, this may be too long, or too short.
If this timeout is too long, the server may close the connection before the next request gets a chance to use it. When ASIHTTPRequest encounters an error that appears to be a closed connection, it will retry the request on a new connection.
If this timeout is too short, and the server may be happy to keep the connection open for longer, but ASIHTTPRequest will needlessly open a new connection, which will incur a performance penalty.
ASIHTTPRequest根据错误码判断该错误是否是由连接已关闭引起的,这三个错误码为POSIX socket的ENOTCONN,EPIPE错误和CFNetwork的kCFURLErrorNetworkConnectionLost(-1005)错误,见ASIHttpRequest.m中的-handleStreamError方法。
// First, check for a 'socket not connected', 'broken pipe' or 'connection lost' error// This may occur when we've attempted to reuse a connection that should have been closed// If we get this, we need to retry the request// We'll only do this once - if it happens again on retry, we'll give up// -1005 = kCFURLErrorNetworkConnectionLost - this doesn't seem to be declared on Mac OS 10.5if (([[underlyingError domain] isEqualToString:NSPOSIXErrorDomain] && ([underlyingError code] == ENOTCONN || [underlyingError code] == EPIPE)) || ([[underlyingError domain] isEqualToString:(NSString *)kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork] && [underlyingError code] == -1005)) { if ([self retryUsingNewConnection]) { return; }}
而我们在锁屏恢复时收到的错误是”Broken pipe”,也就是EPIPE错误,ASIHTTPRequest在第一次收到这个错误时会重试另一个连接,既然错误到我们这了,说明使用的两个连接全都被关闭了。
// When set to 1, ASIHTTPRequests will print information about persistent connections to the console#ifndef DEBUG_PERSISTENT_CONNECTIONS#define DEBUG_PERSISTENT_CONNECTIONS 1#endif
[CONNECTION] Request #15 will use connection #4[CONNECTION] Request #16 will use connection #3[CONNECTION] Request attempted to use connection #4, but it has been closed - will retry with a new connection[CONNECTION] Request #15 will use connection #2[CONNECTION] Request attempted to use connection #3, but it has been closed - will retry with a new connection[CONNECTION] Request #16 will use connection #1[CONNECTION] Request attempted to use connection #2, but it has been closed - we have already retried with a new connection, so we must give up[CONNECTION] Request #15 failed and will invalidate connection #2[CONNECTION] Request attempted to use connection #1, but it has been closed - we have already retried with a new connection, so we must give up[CONNECTION] Request #16 failed and will invalidate connection #1
从上述打印可以看出Request #15尝试使用connection #4,connection #2都失败了,Request #16尝试使用connection #3,connection #1也都失败了,两次失败则不会重试,直接将错误返回给我们。
iphone app network connection disconnect after screen locking with new ios sdk 5.0
Locking iPhone disconnects sockets on iOS 5 only
+ (void)expirePersistentConnections{ [connectionsLock lock]; NSUInteger i; for (i=0; i<[persistentConnectionsPool count]; i++) { NSDictionary *existingConnection = [persistentConnectionsPool objectAtIndex:i]; if (![existingConnection objectForKey:@"request"] && [[existingConnection objectForKey:@"expires"] timeIntervalSinceNow] <= 0) {#if DEBUG_PERSISTENT_CONNECTIONS ASI_DEBUG_LOG(@"[CONNECTION] Closing connection #%i because it has expired",[[existingConnection objectForKey:@"id"] intValue]);#endif NSInputStream *stream = [existingConnection objectForKey:@"stream"]; if (stream) { [stream close]; } [persistentConnectionsPool removeObject:existingConnection]; i--; } } [connectionsLock unlock];}
+ (void)clearPersistentConnections{ [connectionsLock lock]; NSUInteger i; for (i=0; i<[persistentConnectionsPool count]; i++) { NSDictionary *existingConnection = [persistentConnectionsPool objectAtIndex:i]; if (![existingConnection objectForKey:@"request"]) {#if DEBUG_PERSISTENT_CONNECTIONS ASI_DEBUG_LOG(@"[CONNECTION] Closing connection #%i manualy",[[existingConnection objectForKey:@"id"] intValue]);#endif NSInputStream *stream = [existingConnection objectForKey:@"stream"]; if (stream) { [stream close]; } [persistentConnectionsPool removeObject:existingConnection]; i--; } } [connectionsLock unlock];}
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application { [ASIHTTPRequest clearPersistentConnections]; ... /* Use this method to release shared resources, save user data, invalidate timers, and store enough application state information to restore your application to its current state in case it is terminated later. If your application supports background execution, called instead of applicationWillTerminate: when the user quits. */}
ASIHTTPRequest documentation
HTTP persistent connection
iphone app network connection disconnect after screen locking with new ios sdk 5.0
Locking iPhone disconnects sockets on iOS 5 only
本文出自 清风徐来,水波不兴 的博客,转载时请注明出处及相应链接。(感谢分享)
本文永久链接: http://www.winddisk.com/2012/08/27/iphone_screenlock_network_disconnection