One of the lines is drawn from the last recorded value plus 8 through whichever value maximizes the slope of the line. This is the top dotted line in Figure 2. The other dotted line is drawn from the last recorded value minus 8 through whichever value minimizes the slope of the line. The third line is drawn between the last recorded value and the new value. This is the solid line in Figure 2. The previous value is recorded if the slope of the top dotted line is greater than the slope of the solid line or the slope of the solid line is greater than the slope of the bottom dotted line.
我的理解是:假设E = 8,当前值为CurVal,上一个保存的值为LastVal,当前值的前一个值为LastVal
K1 = (CurVal - (LastSave+E))/(CurTime - LastSaveTime)(取最大值)
K2 = (CurVal - (LastSave - E))/(CurTime - LastSaveTime)(取最小值)
K = (CurVal - LastSave)/(CurTime - LastSaveTime)
如果K1>K或K>K2 保存LastVal的值 。
K1 = (Val2- (Val1+E))/(Val2Time- ValTime
K2 = (Val2- (Val1- E))/(Val2Time- ValTime)