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热度:7100   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0
求助 MPI程序在控制台的运行问题

Microsoft Windows XP [版本 5.1.2600]
(C) 版权所有 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\dell>cd C:\Documents and Settings\dell\桌面\mpitestPI\

C:\Documents and Settings\dell\桌面\mpitestPI\Debug>mpiexec -n 4 mpich2.exe
launch failed: CreateProcess(mpich2.exe) on 'dell-15' failed, error 193 - (null)

launch failed: CreateProcess(mpich2.exe) on 'dell-15' failed, error 193 - (null)

launch failed: CreateProcess(mpich2.exe) on 'dell-15' failed, error 193 - (null)

launch failed: CreateProcess(mpich2.exe) on 'dell-15' failed, error 193 - (null)

Error posting writev, 您的主机中的软件放弃了一个已建立的连接。(10053)
unable to post a write for the next command,
sock error: Error = 10053

unable to post a write of the close command to tear down the job tree as part of
 the abort process.
unable to post an abort command.
