IFeatureDataConverter fctofc = new FeatureDataConverterClass();
IEnumInvalidObject enumErrors = fctofc.ConvertFeatureClass(inFeatureClassName, qf, (IFeatureDatasetName)featureDataset.FullName, outFeatureClassName, geometryDef, outFeatureClassFields, "", 1000, 0);
使用如上语句把图层导入到sde数据库中,数据全都导入了,但是抛出了异常:此SDE服务器不支持此客户端或操作[this SDE server does not support this client or operation]
What's behind SDE? SQLServer, PostgreSQL, Oracle...
The client application or the requested operation is not supported by the release of ArcSDE geodatabase you are using. See the ESRI Resource Center for a list of supported releases of ESRI clients. For third-party applications, contact the application developer.