I used a number of imote2 on the 802.15.4 protocol (coordinator sends a beacon, the other to send data),
I can use sniffer packet capture see the packet,
but now I want to use basestation accept these data, the original basestation accerpt nothing , and how should I to modify it?
Thank you very much
我用imote2节点 跑了802.15.4的协议一个算法,就是协调器发送信标 其他的发送数据,用sniffer可以看见包
现在想用 basestation串口连接电脑来接受数据 怎么修改basestation来接收?有没有人做过啊?不甚感激
高大上 看不懂 帮不上 撸主结贴吧