The K9F1208X0C is a 528Mbits(553,648,218 bits) memory organized as 131,072 rows(pages) by 528 columns. Spare sixteen col-umns are located from column address of 512 to 527. A 528-bytes data register is connected to memory cell arrays accommodating
data transfer between the I/O buffers and memory during page read and page program operations. The memory array is made up of
16 cells that are serially connected to form a NAND structure. Each of the 16 cells resides in a different page. A block consists of the
32 pages formed two NAND structures. A NAND structure consists of 16 cells. Total 135,168 NAND structures reside in a block. The
program and read operations are executed on a page basis, while the erase operation is executed on a block basis. The memory
array consists of 4,096 separately erasable 16K-bytes blocks. It indicates that the bit by bit erase operation is prohibited on the
The memory array(指的是内存数组?) is made up of
16 cells(为什么又说是由16个单元组成?) that are serially connected to form a NAND structure(指的是什么?). Each of the 16 cells resides in a different page(为什么说每一页都由16个单元组成?). A block consists of the
32 pages formed two NAND structures. A NAND structure consists of 16 cells. Total 135,168 NAND structures(135,168个NAND structures) reside in a block.
NAND Flash的数据是以bit 的方式保存在memory cell,一般来说,一个cell 中只能存储一个bit。这些cell 以8 个或者16 个为单位,连成bit line,形成所谓的byte(x8)/word(x16),这就是NAND Device 的位宽。这些Line 会再组成Page。
NAND Flash 的数据是以bit的方式保存在memory cell,一般来说,一个cell 中只能存储一个bit。这些cell 以8个或者16个为单位,连成bit line,形成所谓的byte(x8)/word(x16),这就是NAND Device的位宽。这些Line会再组成Page,Page再组成Block,Block组成了FLASH。
structure有“结构、组织”的意思. LZ可能条件反射成“结构体”了.. 这句真不是C代码...
NAND: 一种类型的FLASH. NAND一般会让人条件反射出其种种器件特性及与nor的区别..
memory array: 排列的内存。 应该就是物理存储空间了.
NAND structure: 应该是指以具有NAND特性的方式组织. (即按照这种方式组织出来的东西就会是NAND FLASH而不会是NOR FLASH)
16 cells: 这实际是位宽为16的一组。
1 FLASH: 256 block.
1 Block: 32 page 2112kb.
1 Page: 66Kb.
The memory array is made up of 16 cells that are serially connected to form a NAND structure.
Each of the 16 cells resides in a different page.
直译: 每个16 cells在不同的页中。 (真心没说1页就只有16个..)
A block consists of the 32 pages formed two NAND structures. A NAND structure consists of 16 cells.
(16 bit以某种方式组成了1个X。135,168个X组成1block)
Total 135,168 NAND structures reside in a block.
A block consists of the 32 pages formed two NAND structures.
这句的formed two NAND structures完全迷茫~~~~