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Could not open the editor:Project myStruts is not configured as a MyEcilpse Web-该如何处理

热度:53   发布时间:2016-04-23 13:47:20.0
Could not open the editor:Project myStruts is not configured as a MyEcilpse Web-
Could not open the editor: Project myStrutsTest is not configured as a MyEclipse Web-Struts Project. Therefore the MyEclipse Struts Editor may not be used with struts-config.xml. The default XML Editor has been used to open the file instead.

myEclipse8.0写的项目,导入到6.5和8.5中都是这个错误。。 是什么原因啊。。

右击 选OPEN WITH 找一个上面有的可用的编辑器!
可能是楼主的MyEclipse是不是装了struts的插件呢 ?装的插件版本更你使用的struts版本不同吧!那么struts的配置文件xml的声明不同!那么MyEclipse Struts Config Editor在检查你的xml格式的时候报错了!