eclipse3.7 安装ADT问题:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.?? Software being installed: Android Development Tools 14.0.0.v201110171935-205994 ( 14.0.0.v201110171935-205994)?? Missing requirement: Android Development Tools 14.0.0.v201110171935-205994 ( 14.0.0.v201110171935-205994) requires 'org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found
1. 下载其他版本的eclipse,如Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers, Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers
2. 安装所缺少的插件,在eclipse的 help-->Install New Softwares-->Add 添加Location: (注意eclipse的版本名,3.7叫indigo,3.6叫helios,3.5叫galileo,这个对所下插件的版本有影响,然后找到一个叫WST Server Adapters的插件安装好,最后再安装Android ADT。