小弟 请教各位大侠下,
TrayItem里没有实现监听mouseover事件。要么你自己hack TrayItem类,在里面添加相应代码,然后替换原来的class文件。
使用selection+ToolTip widget只是一种可选的方法,为了方便,不需要写一个容器。
- Java code
int /*long*/ messageProc (int /*long*/ hwnd, int msg, int /*long*/ wParam, int /*long*/ lParam) { /* * Feature in Windows. When the user clicks on the tray * icon, another application may be the foreground window. * This means that the event loop is not running and can * cause problems. For example, if a menu is shown, when * the user clicks outside of the menu to cancel it, the * menu is not hidden until an event is processed. If * another application is the foreground window, then the * menu is not hidden. The fix is to force the tray icon * message window to the foreground when sending an event. */ switch ((int)/*64*/lParam) { case OS.WM_LBUTTONDOWN: if (hooks (SWT.Selection)) { OS.SetForegroundWindow (hwnd); sendSelectionEvent (SWT.Selection); } break; case OS.WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: case OS.WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: if (hooks (SWT.DefaultSelection)) { OS.SetForegroundWindow (hwnd); sendSelectionEvent (SWT.DefaultSelection); } break; case OS.WM_RBUTTONUP: { if (hooks (SWT.MenuDetect)) { OS.SetForegroundWindow (hwnd); sendEvent (SWT.MenuDetect); // widget could be disposed at this point if (isDisposed()) return 0; } break; } case OS.NIN_BALLOONSHOW: if (toolTip != null && !toolTip.visible) { toolTip.visible = true; if (toolTip.hooks (SWT.Show)) { OS.SetForegroundWindow (hwnd); toolTip.sendEvent (SWT.Show); // widget could be disposed at this point if (isDisposed()) return 0; } } break; case OS.NIN_BALLOONHIDE: case OS.NIN_BALLOONTIMEOUT: case OS.NIN_BALLOONUSERCLICK: if (toolTip != null) { if (toolTip.visible) { toolTip.visible = false; if (toolTip.hooks (SWT.Hide)) { OS.SetForegroundWindow (hwnd); toolTip.sendEvent (SWT.Hide); // widget could be disposed at this point if (isDisposed()) return 0; } } if (lParam == OS.NIN_BALLOONUSERCLICK) { if (toolTip.hooks (SWT.Selection)) { OS.SetForegroundWindow (hwnd); toolTip.sendSelectionEvent (SWT.Selection); // widget could be disposed at this point if (isDisposed()) return 0; } } } break; } display.wakeThread (); return 0;}