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Eclipse Jade Agent II - Ubuntu 10.04

热度:781   发布时间:2016-04-23 01:51:38.0
Eclipse Jade Agent II -- Ubuntu 10.04
package test;import jade.core.Agent;public class Hello extends Agent {	/**	 * 	 */	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;	protected void setup() {		System.out.println("Hello,My name is:"+getLocalName());	}	public void doDelete() {		// TODO Auto-generated method stub		super.doDelete();	}}

IDE:Eclipse 导入jade.jar




Not possible to launch JADE on a remote host (

No ICP active 异常

2011-1-26 11:47:31 jade.core.Runtime beginContainer
信息: ----------------------------------
??? This is JADE snapshot - revision 6357 of 2010/07/06 16:27:34
??? downloaded in Open Source, under LGPL restrictions,
??? at http://jade.tilab.com/
Retrieving CommandDispatcher for platform null
2011-1-26 11:47:31 jade.imtp.leap.CommandDispatcher addICP
警告: Error adding ICP jade.imtp.leap.JICP.JICPPeer@ab50cd[Error: Not possible to launch JADE on a remote host ( Check the -host and -local-host options.].
2011-1-26 11:47:31 jade.core.AgentContainerImpl joinPlatform
严重: Communication failure while joining agent platform: No ICP active
jade.core.IMTPException: No ICP active
??? at jade.imtp.leap.LEAPIMTPManager.initialize(LEAPIMTPManager.java:138)
??? at jade.core.AgentContainerImpl.init(AgentContainerImpl.java:316)
??? at jade.core.AgentContainerImpl.joinPlatform(AgentContainerImpl.java:482)
??? at jade.core.Runtime.createMainContainer(Runtime.java:165)
??? at jade.Boot.main(Boot.java:89)
2011-1-26 11:47:31 jade.core.Runtime$1 run
信息: JADE is closing down now.








说明:windows xp下,我没有设置-host 也可以运行 见: http://mmscau.iteye.com/blog/484211




