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MyEclipse 6.5手动装配subclipse

热度:48   发布时间:2016-04-23 01:51:26.0
MyEclipse 6.5手动安装subclipse
2、在MyEclipse安装目录下(MyEclipse 6.5\eclipse\plugins)新建文件夹subclipse
3、打开MyEclipse 6.5,在菜单栏中选择 Help → Software Updates → Find and Install
4、选择Search for new features to install,点击Next进入下一步
5、点击"New Local Site"按钮,找到解压出来的文件夹 → 点击OK,并点击Finish按钮,Myeclipse自动加载插件
6、在弹出的菜单中,select the features to insteall:在刚加进去的路径Subclipse这一项前打钩,此时会报错,然后展开Subclipse前的加号,去掉 Subclipse Integration for Mylyn 3.x(Optional)前的钩,错误消失 → next → 选 I accept the terms in the license agreements → next → next → 选中所有的8项,然后Change Location……,在弹出的菜单中选Add Location……选择在第3步中建的文件夹的路径(MyEclipse 6.5\eclipse\plugins\subclipse) → Finish → 再弹出的菜单中选 Install All → Yes