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Eclipse 应用技巧

热度:26   发布时间:2016-04-23 01:51:21.0
Eclipse 使用技巧
  Ctrl+L Go to Line  
 F5 Step Into  
 Ctrl+H Open Search Dialog  
 Ctrl+Shift+K Find Previous
 Ctrl+F11 Run  
 Ctrl+Shift+\ Remove Block Comment  
 F11 Debug   Ctrl+Shift+/ Add Block Comment  
 Ctrl+K Find Next  
 F8 Resume (during Debug)  
 Ctrl+O Quick Outline  
 Alt+Shift+R Rename (Refactoring)  
 F3 Open Declaration
 Ctrl+R Run to Line  
 Ctrl+/ Toggle Comment  
 Ctrl+Shift+O Organize Imports
 F6 Step Over   
  Ctrl+Shift+F Format  
 Ctrl+Shift+G References in Workspace