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热度:3692   发布时间:2013-02-25 00:00:00.0



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'#############################################################################'货币转换为中文汉字表述''函数名称:CNMoney'参数:ls'返回值:转换后的字符串''整理人:阿泰'版本历史'2010-04-20:首次编译,修正0参数,修正小于10的值不能正常显示的BUG''本文函数来源于 feng442624978,原帖地址:'http://topic.csdn.net/u/20100303/15/0f0ceca7-d29d-4269-b0f5-17ea09d0f139'#############################################################################Function CNMoney(ls As Number) As String    Dim dx_sz As String    Dim dx_dw As String    Dim str_int As String    Dim str_dec As String    Dim dx_str As String    Dim fu As String    Dim a As String    Dim b As String    Dim c As String    Dim d As String    Dim b2 As String    Dim num_int As Number    Dim num_dec As Number    Dim len_int As Number    Dim i As Number    Dim a_int As Number    Dim pp As Number    dx_sz = "零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖"    dx_dw = "万仟佰拾亿仟佰拾万仟佰拾圆"        If ls = 0 Then        CNMoney = "零圆整"        Exit Function    End If        If ls < 0 Then        ls = Abs(ls)        fu = "负"    Else        fu = ""    End If    dx_str = CStr(ls)    dx_str = Replace(dx_str, "¥", "")    dx_str = Replace(dx_str, ",", "")    If (ls >= 0) And (ls < 1) Then dx_str = "0" + dx_str        pp = InStr(dx_str, ".")    If pp > 0 Then        str_int = Mid(dx_str, 1, InStr(dx_str, ".") - 1)    Else        str_int = dx_str    End If    num_int = tonumber(str_int)    If (ls > 0) And (ls < 1) Then        num_dec = ls * 100    Else        num_dec = (ls - num_int) * 100    End If    str_dec = totext(num_dec)    str_dec = Replace(str_dec, "¥", "")    len_int = Len(str_int)    dx_str = ""    For i = 1 To len_int        a = Mid(str_int, i, 1)        a_int = tonumber(a)        b = Mid(dx_sz, (a_int + 1), 1)        c = Mid(dx_dw, (13 - len_int + i), 1)        If dx_str <> "" Then            d = Mid(dx_str, Len(dx_str) - 1, 1)        Else            d = ""        End If        If (b = "零") And ((d = "零") Or (b = b2) Or (c = "圆") Or (c = "万") Or (c = "亿")) Then b = ""        If (a = "0") And (c <> "圆") And (c <> "万") And (c <> "亿") Then c = ""        If ((c = "圆") Or (c = "万") Or (c = "亿")) And (d = "零") And (a = "0") Then            dx_str = Mid(dx_str, 1, Len(dx_str) - 2)            d = Mid(dx_str, Len(dx_str) - 1, 2)            If ((c = "圆") And (d = "万")) Or ((c = "万") And (d = "亿")) Then c = ""        End If        dx_str = dx_str + b + c        b2 = b    Next i    '处理金额小于1的情况    If Len(dx_str) < 2 Then dx_str = ""    If (num_dec < 10) And (ls > 0) Then        a_int = tonumber(str_dec)        b = Mid(dx_sz, (a_int + 1), 1)        If num_dec = 0 Then dx_str = dx_str + "整"        If num_dec > 0 Then dx_str = dx_str + "零" + b + "分"    End If    If num_dec >= 10 Then        a_int = tonumber(Mid(str_dec, 1, 1))        a = Mid(dx_sz, (a_int + 1), 1)        a_int = tonumber(Mid(str_dec, 2, 1))        b = Mid(dx_sz, (a_int + 1), 1)        If a <> "零" Then a = a + "角"        If b <> "零" Then b = b + "分" Else b = ""        dx_str = dx_str + a + b    End If            dx_str = fu + dx_str    dx_str = Replace(dx_str, "零亿", "亿")    dx_str = Replace(dx_str, "零万", "万")    dx_str = Replace(dx_str, "零千", "千")    dx_str = Replace(dx_str, "零圆", "圆")    CNMoney = dx_strEnd Function