当前位置: 代码迷 >> .NET相关 >> 解决左方固定右边自适应宽度的方案


热度:248   发布时间:2016-04-24 02:47:43.0





  1. inline-axis:从左向右排列(默认值)
  2. horizontal:水平排列
  3. vertical:垂直排列
  4. block-axis:从上向下排列

      box-pack (用于设置子容器在水平框中的水平位置,以及垂直框中的垂直位置)

  1. start :所有子容器都分布在父容器的左侧,右侧留空
  2. end :所有子容器都分布在父容器的右侧,左侧留空
  3. justify :所有子容器平均分布(默认值)
  4. center :平均分配父容器剩余的空间(全局居中的效果)

      box-align (用于规定如何对齐框的子元素)

  1. start :子容器从父容器顶部开始排列
  2. end :子容器从父容器底部开始排列
  3. center :子容器横向居中
  4. baseline :所有子容器沿同一基线排列
  5. stretch :所有子容器和父容器保持同一高度(默认值)








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  1 html,body{  2         margin:0 auto;  3         width:100%;  4         height:100%;  5         background-color:rgb(40,48,54);  6         color:white;  7         overflow: hidden;  8         overflow-y: scroll;  9         -webkit-user-select: none; 10         } 11         div{ 12         margin:0 auto; 13         } 14         p{ 15         margin:0; 16         padding:0; 17         } 18         .view{ 19         height:100%; 20         /* Safari, Opera, and Chrome */ 21         display:-webkit-box; 22         -webkit-box-orient:vertical; 23         -webkit-box-pack:center; 24         -webkit-box-align:center; 25          26         /* W3C */ 27         display:box; 28         box-orient:vertical; 29         box-pack:center; 30         box-align:center; 31         } 32         .formMain{ 33         height:100%; 34         } 35         .main{ 36         width:100%; 37         height:70%; 38         } 39         .main ul { 40         width:100%; 41         height:100%; 42         list-style-type:none; 43         list-style-position:outside; 44         margin:0px; 45         padding:0px; 46         } 47         .main li{ 48         height:4rem; 49         margin: .8rem; 50         padding:0; 51         position:relative; 52         /* Safari, Opera, and Chrome */ 53         display:-webkit-box; 54         -webkit-box-orient:horizontal; 55         -webkit-box-pack:center; 56         -webkit-box-align:center; 57          58         /* W3C */ 59         display:box; 60         box-orient:horizontal; 61         box-pack:center; 62         box-align:center; 63         } 64         .main label { 65         margin:0; 66         padding:3px; 67         display:inline-block; 68         font-size:1.8rem; 69         } 70         .main input[type="text"] { 71         margin: 0 5px; 72         padding:0; 73         display: block; 74         -webkit-box-flex: 1.0; 75         box-flex: 1.0; 76         background-color: #1F272D; 77         font-size:1.8rem; 78         height: 3.4rem; 79         border-style: solid; 80         border-width: 0 1px 1px; 81         border-color: rgba(196, 196, 196, 0.18); 82         box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(9, 9, 9, 0.17) inset; 83         border-radius: .3em; 84         box-sizing: border-box; 85         color:#fff; 86         } 87         .main input:focus{ 88         background: #fff; 89         border-color:#28921f; 90         color:#000; 91         } 92         .main button{ 93         margin:0 5px; 94         padding:0; 95         border-style: solid; 96         border-width: 0 1px 1px; 97         border-color: #5cd053; 98         border-radius:.3em; 99         height: 3.4rem;100         display:block;101         -webkit-box-flex:1.0;102         box-flex:1.0;103         font-size:1.8rem;104         background-color: rgba(90, 180, 105, 0.88);;105         color:#fff;106         }107         .main button.submit:active {108         border: 1px solid #20911e;109         -webkit-box-shadow:0 0 10px 5px #356b0b inset ;110         box-shadow: 0 0 10px 5px #356b0b inset;111         }


  1 <!DOCTYPE HTML>  2 <html>  3     <head>  4         <meta charset="utf-8">  5         <meta content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no" name="viewport">  6         <meta content="yes" name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable">  7         <meta content="black" name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style">  8         <meta content="telephone=no" name="format-detection">  9         <meta content="email=no" name="format-detection"> 10         <title>demo</title> 11         <style> html {font-size:10px}         12         @media screen and (min-width:480px) and (max-width:639px) { 13         html { 14         font-size: 15px 15         } 16         } 17         @media screen and (min-width:640px) and (max-width:719px) { 18         html { 19         font-size: 20px 20         } 21         } 22         @media screen and (min-width:720px) and (max-width:749px) { 23         html { 24         font-size: 22.5px 25         } 26         } 27         @media screen and (min-width:750px) and (max-width:799px) { 28         html { 29         font-size: 23.5px 30         } 31         } 32         @media screen and (min-width:800px) and (max-width:959px) { 33         html { 34         font-size: 25px 35         } 36         } 37         @media screen and (min-width:960px) and (max-width:1079px) { 38         html { 39         font-size: 30px 40         } 41         } 42         @media screen and (min-width:1080px) { 43         html { 44         font-size: 32px 45         } 46         } 47         *{-webkit-appearance: none;-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);-webkit-touch-callout: none;} 48         *:focus {outline: none;} 49         input{ outline:none;} 50         html,body{ 51         margin:0 auto; 52         width:100%; 53         height:100%; 54         background-color:rgb(40,48,54); 55         color:white; 56         overflow: hidden; 57         overflow-y: scroll; 58         -webkit-user-select: none; 59         } 60         div{ 61         margin:0 auto; 62         } 63         p{ 64         margin:0; 65         padding:0; 66         } 67         .view{ 68         height:100%; 69         /* Safari, Opera, and Chrome */ 70         display:-webkit-box; 71         -webkit-box-orient:vertical; 72         -webkit-box-pack:center; 73         -webkit-box-align:center; 74          75         /* W3C */ 76         display:box; 77         box-orient:vertical; 78         box-pack:center; 79         box-align:center; 80         } 81         .formMain{ 82         height:100%; 83         } 84         .main{ 85         width:100%; 86         height:70%; 87         } 88         .main ul { 89         width:100%; 90         height:100%; 91         list-style-type:none; 92         list-style-position:outside; 93         margin:0px; 94         padding:0px; 95         } 96         .main li{ 97         height:4rem; 98         margin: .8rem; 99         padding:0;100         position:relative;101         /* Safari, Opera, and Chrome */102         display:-webkit-box;103         -webkit-box-orient:horizontal;104         -webkit-box-pack:center;105         -webkit-box-align:center;106         107         /* W3C */108         display:box;109         box-orient:horizontal;110         box-pack:center;111         box-align:center;112         }113         .main label {114         margin:0;115         padding:3px;116         display:inline-block;117         font-size:1.8rem;118         }119         .main input[type="text"] {120         margin: 0 5px;121         padding:0;122         display: block;123         -webkit-box-flex: 1.0;124         box-flex: 1.0;125         background-color: #1F272D;126         font-size:1.8rem;127         height: 3.4rem;128         border-style: solid;129         border-width: 0 1px 1px;130         border-color: rgba(196, 196, 196, 0.18);131         box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(9, 9, 9, 0.17) inset;132         border-radius: .3em;133         box-sizing: border-box;134         color:#fff;135         }136         .main input:focus{137         background: #fff;138         border-color:#28921f;139         color:#000;140         }141         .main button{142         margin:0 5px;143         padding:0;144         border-style: solid;145         border-width: 0 1px 1px;146         border-color: #5cd053;147         border-radius:.3em;148         height: 3.4rem;149         display:block;150         -webkit-box-flex:1.0;151         box-flex:1.0;152         font-size:1.8rem;153         background-color: rgba(90, 180, 105, 0.88);;154         color:#fff;155         }156         .main button.submit:active {157         border: 1px solid #20911e;158         -webkit-box-shadow:0 0 10px 5px #356b0b inset ;159         box-shadow: 0 0 10px 5px #356b0b inset;160         }161         </style>162     </head>163     <body>164         <div class="view">165             <div class="main">166                 <form class="formMain" action="" method="post">167                     <ul>168                         <li>169                             <label for="vender">商家:</label>170                             <input type="text" name="vender">171                         </li>172                         <li>173                             <label for="name">姓名:</label>174                             <input type="text" name="name">175                         </li>176                         <li>177                             <label for="number">手机:</label>178                             <input type="text" name="number">179                         </li>180                         <li>181                             <button class="submit" type="submit">提交</button>182                         </li>183                     </ul>184                 </form>185             </div>186         </div>187     </body>188 </html>




