Controller.action – Smart bindingController/link?i=32&n=patrick public static void link(int i, String n) public static void link(Integer i, String n) public static void link(Long i, String n) Controller/show?id[0]=1&id[1]=2&id[2]=3&id[3]=4 public static void show(Long[] id) public static void show(List?id) public static void show(Set?id) Controller/get?date=02-18-1972 public static void get(@As("MM-dd-yyyy") Date date) (@As(binder=MyCustomStringBinder.class)) Custom parameter binder Send File as multipart/form-data encoded post request public static void create(String comment, File attachment) ?[email protected] public static void create(Client client) POJO binding @NoBinding Marks a non bindable field Controller – Jobs@OnApplicationStart @On("0 0 12 ? ? ?") @Every("1h") public class Bootstrap extends Job {public void doJob() {...} } Controller.action –"Action executed ..."); Logger.debug("A log message"); Logger.error(ex, "Oops"); Logging configuration lives in application.conf @CacheFor("1h") public static void index() { ... } Caches the result of the action for 1h Play.configuration.getProperty("blog.title"); Access to the configuration file Query query = JPA.em().createQuery(“query”); Access the persistence manager Template – Tag grammar${ } Evaluates and outputs a variable ${ client?.name } Displays only if client not null @{ Controller.action() } Calculates url relative path to action @@{ Controller.action() } Calculates url absolute path to action &{ message.key } Message are maintained in conf/messages, supports i18 ?{ this is a comment }? What else to say? %{ out.print(“HelloWorld”) }% Groovy scripts for UI logic #{ my.custom.tag /} A typical custom tag – page context not shared Template – Standard Tags#{extends ?page.html?/} #{doLayout /} Master template decorators #{get 'title'}Used if title not set#{/get} #{set title:?Home Page?} Shared variables between page and master templates #{include 'tree.html'/} Includes fragment – page context is shared #{script id:'myscript' , src:?script.js', charset:'utf-8' /} #{stylesheet id:'main', media:'print', src:'print.css' /} Imports script & styles in the page #{a @Application.logout() }Disconnect#{/a} #{form @Client.create() , id:'form' enctype:'multipart/form- data' } ... #{/form} Handy tags to create anchors and forms #{verbatim}${'&'}#{/verbatim} Disables HTML escaping #{i18n /} Exports localized msgs in Javascript #{ifErrors} <p>Error(s) found!</p> #{/ifErrors} Checks for validation errors #{ifError ''} #{error '' /} #{/ifError} Checks a given error #{errors} <li>${error}</li> #{/errors} Iterates over the current validation errors #{if cond}...#{/if}#{elseif cond}...#{/elseif}#{else}...#{/else} #{ifnot cond}...#{/ifnot} Conditional constructs #{list items:0..10, as:'i'}${i}#{/list} #{list items:'a'..'z', as:'l'}${l} ${l_isLast ?'':'|' }#{/list} #{list users}${_}#{/list} Loop constructs #{list items:task, as:'task'}${task}#{/list} #{else}No tasks on the list#{/else} Tip: Else can be used along with list #{cache ?key?, for:?15min?}...#{/cache} Caches content for 15 minutes Model – Basics@Entity(name=”sql_tbl”) public class Post extends Model Specifies that the class is persistent @Embedded Defines this field as being embedded @EmbeddedId Defines this field as being (part of) the identity for the class, and being embedded into this class @Embeddable Specifies that the class is persistent embedded in another persistent class @MappedSuperclass Specifies that this class contains persistent information to be mapped in a child Model – CallbacksConvenient way to implement database independent trigers @PrePersist Defines this method as being a callback for pre-persist events @PostPersist Defines this method as being a callback for post-persist events @PreRemove Defines this method as being a callback for pre-remove events @PostRemove Defines this method as being a callback for post-remove events @PreUpdate Defines this method as being a callback for pre-update events @PostLoad Defines this method as being a callback for post-load events Model – JPA Queries@NamedQuery(name=”q1”, “jpql_query”); Defines a named JPQL query to use in the persistence unit @NamedNativeQuery(name=”q2”,”sql_query”) Defines a native SQL query for use in the persistence unit @SqlResultSetMapping Used to map a native sql query result to the object model THIS IS ONLY A SUBSET OF THE JPA2 ANNOTATIONS, HIBERNATE ALSO COMES WITH ITS OWN NON STANDARD SET Test – Functional Testspublic class ApplicationTest extends FunctionalTest Functional test are unit tests with an http orientation newRequest() newResponse() GET(request, url) PUT(request, url) POST(request,url) DELETE(request,url) assertStatus(404, response) assertHeaderEquals(headerName, value, response) assertContentEquals(content, response) assertContentType(type,response) clearCookies() Multi environment%test.db=mem %test.jpa.ddl=create-drop # Dev configuration %dev.http.port=8080 %dev.application.log=DEBUG %dev.application.mode=dev # Production configuration %prod.http.port=80 %prod.application.log=INFO %prod.application.mode=prod play run --%prod or play run --%dev or play test Will pick the appropriate configurations | Controller.action – Validation@Required String lastname @IsTrue String agree @Max(7500) Integer wordCount @Min(18) Long age @MaxSize(2083) String value @MinSize(42) String value @Email String address @Equals("passwordConfirmation") String password @InFuture String dueDate @InFuture("1979-12-31") String birthDate @Match("[A-Z]{3}") String abbreviation @Match("(directDebit|creditCard|onReceipt)") @Past String actualDepartureDate @Past("1980-01-01") String birthDate @Range(min = 17500, max = 40000) String wordCount @URL String address @Valid Person person Pojo validation – class Person needs validation annotations Controller.action – Redirectionrender(params...); Renders template with given parameters, text/html renderXML(params...); Renders parameters as application/xml renderJson(params...); Renders parameters as application/json renderText(params...); Renders parameters as text/plain renderTemplate(“Clients/showClient.html”, id, client); Bypasses default template redirect(“”); Http redirect to the given URL From an action, calling another Controller.action() The framework transparently generates a REDIRECT! Template – Implicit objectserrors The validation errors raised in the controller flash Flash scope lang The negotiated language messages The messages map, i18 out The output stream writer params Current parameters play Main framework class request The current http request session The session scope Template – Custom Tags@FastTags.Namespace("crionics") public class RecaptchaTag extends FastTags { public static void _recaptcha(Map<?, ?> args, Closure body, PrintWriter out, ExecutableTemplate template, int fromLine) /app/view/tag/domain/mytag.tag Custom tag can be called as {#domain.mytag/} Template – Groovy extension${ ['red', 'green', 'blue'].join('/') } red/green/blue ${ (["red", "green", "blue"] as String[]).add('pink').join(' ') } red green blue pink ${ (['red', 'green', 'blue'] as String[]).contains('green') } true ${(['red', 'gr', 'blue'] as String[]).remove('gr').join(' ')} red blue ${ ['red', 'green', 'blue'].last() } blue ${ new Date(new Date().getTime() - 1000000).since() } 16 minutes ago ${new Date(1275910970000).format('dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss')} 07 June 2010 01:42:50 ${ 1275910970000.asdate('dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss') } 07 June 2010 01:42:50 ${726016L.formatSize()} 709KB ${ 42.formatCurrency('EUR').raw() } € 42.00 ${ } 5 journ${ ['cnn', 'c+', 'f2'].pluralize('al', 'aux') } journaux ${ "lorum ipsum dolor".capAll() } Lorum Ipsum Dolor ${ "lorum ipsum dolor".camelCase() } LorumIpsumDolor ${ "lorum ipsum dolor".capFirst() } Lorum ipsum dolor ${ "lorum ipsum dolor".cut('um') } lor ips dolor ${ "The <blink>tag</blink> is evil".escape().raw() } The <blink>tag</blink> is evil ${ "one\ntwo".nl2br() } one<br/>two ${ '<' } ${ '<'.raw() } < < ${ " (') (\") ".escapeJavaScript().raw() } (\') (\") ${ "".yesno('yes', 'no') } no ${ "not empty".yesno('yes', 'no') } yes ${"Stéphane ?pardaud".noAccents()} Stephane Epardaud ${ "The Play! framework?s manual".slugify() } the-play-framework-s-manual ${ "x".pad(4).raw() } x Model – Relations@OneToOne(entity, fetch=[LAZY,EAGER], nullable=true) Defines this field as being a 1-1 relation with another persistent entity @OneToMany(mappedBy="remote_attribute") Defines this field as being a 1-N relation with other persistent entities @ManyToMany(cascade=[ALL, PERSIST, MERGE, REMOVE, REFRESH, DETACH]) Defines this field as being a M-N relation with other persistent entities @ManyToOne Defines this field as being a N-1 relation with another persistent entity @JoinColumn(name = "id_connector") Defines a column for joining to either a join table or foreign key relation. @JoinTable(name = "nm_table", joinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "id_coupon", nullable = false) }, inverseJoinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "id_campaign", nullable = false) }) Used to map ManyToMany relationships Test – Selenium Tests#{selenium} clearSession() open(‘/admin’) assertTextPresent(‘Login’) type(‘login’, ‘admin’) type(‘password’, ‘secret’) clickAndWait(‘signin’) // Verify that the user in correctly logged in assertText(‘success’, ‘Welcome admin!’) #{/selenium} Command line – play commandclasspath Display the computed classpath id Define the framework ID, used for multi environment config secret Generate a new secret key, used for encryption install Install a module list-modules List modules available from the central modules repository modules Display the computed modules list new Create a new application new-module Create a module build-module Build and package a module eclipsify Create all Eclipse configuration files netbeansify Create all NetBeans configuration files idealize Create all IntelliJ Idea configuration files javadoc Generate your application Javadoc auto-test Automatically run all application tests clean Delete temporary files (including the bytecode cache) test Run the application in test mode in the current shell precompile Precompile all Java sources and templates to speed up application start-up war Export the application as a standalone WAR archive run Run the application in the current shell start Start the application in the background stop Stop the running application restart Restart the running application status Display the running application’s status out Follow logs/system.out file pid Show the PID of the running application check Check for a release newer than the current one help Display help on a specific command | Controller – Session ManagementWARNING: Play Session is NOT the J2EE session session and flash use cookies! 4kb limit/20 cookies max session.getId(); Returns the session Id – in most cases: a must have! session.put(String key, String value); session.get(“user_flag”); Values are limited to Strings, 4kb max flash.put(String key, String value); flash.get(String key); Flash entries are discarded at end of next call Cache.set(“key_” + id, product, “30mn”); Set cache value for 30 minutes Cache.get(“key_” + id, Product.class); Get cache value, may return null Cache.delete(“key_” + id); Non blocking cache delete Cache.safeDelete(“key_” + id); Blocking cache delete Controller – Interceptions@Before ? action ? @After ? template ? @Finally Interceptions evaluation order @Before static void checkAuthentification() @After static void log() @Finally static void audit() You get the idea @With(Secure.class) public class Admin extends Application Custom interceptors at the controller scope Controller – LibrariesWS.url(“”).get().toJSON(); HTTP get request to JSON WS.url(“”).post().toXML(); HTTP post request to XML XML.getDocument(String); String to XML XML.serialize(Document); XML to String XPath.selectNodes(String xpath, Object node); XPath expression evaluator Files.copy(File,File); File copy Files.copyDir(File,File); Recursive directory copy Files.delete(File); Files.deleteDirectory(File); Deletes file/directory IO.readLines(File); IO.readContentAsString(File); IO.readContent(File); IO.write(byte[],File); Read/Write file contents Images.crop(File orig,File to, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); Images.resize(File orig, File to, int w, int h); Images.toBase64(File image); Handy methods! Crypto.encryptAES(String); Crypto.decryptAES(String); Encryption using the application secret key Crypto.passwordHash(String); Create an MD5 password hash Codec.UUID(); Generates unique IDs Codec.byteToHexString(byte[] bytes); Write a byte array as hexadecimal String Codec.encodeBASE64(byte[] value); Codec.decodeBASE64(String base64); Encode/Decode a base64 value Codec.hexSHA1(String); Build a hexadecimal SHA1 hash for a String Model.action – QueriesQuery query = JPA.em().createQuery(“jpql_query”); Access the persistence manager Post post = Post.findById(id); List?posts = Post.findAll(); Finder methods; Saves the object to the persistent store boolean post.validateAndSave(); true if object validates and saved, see validation annotations List?posts = Post.all().from(50).fetch(100); Read records 50 to 100, if any Post.find("select p from Post p, Comment c where = p and c.subject like ?", "%hop%"); Parametrized lookup using a join long userCount = Post.count("author=?", connectedUser); long postCount = Post.count(); Counting records JPAPlugin.startTx(boolean readonly); JPAPlugin.closeTx(boolean rollback); Custom transaction control methods JPA.setRollbackOnly(); Forces a transaction rollback Model – Generators@GeneratedValue(strategy = [NONE, TABLE, SEQUENCE, IDENTITY, AUTO]) Used to generate auto indexes @SequenceGenerator Defines a generator of values using sequences in the datastore for use with persistent entities @TableGenerator Defines a generator of sequences using a table in the datastore for use with persistent entities Model – Relational mapping@Table(name=”sql_tbl”, catalog=””, schema=””) Defines the table where this class will be stored @Id Defines this field as being (part of) the identity for the class @Version Defines this field as storing the version for the class @Basic Defines this field as being persistent, can be omitted @Transient Defines this field as being transient (not persisted) @Lob(fetch=[LAZY, EAGER], type=[BLOB,CLOB]) Defines this field as being stored as a large object @UniqueConstraint(primary=false, String columns[]) Used to define secondary indexes @Temporal(DATE,TIME,TIMESTAMP) Should only be used on java.util.Date and Calendar fields @Enumerated(ORDINAL, STRING) Defines this field as storing an enumerated class @Column(name=”sql_column_name”) Should the table column name be different from the field name Test – Unit Tests@Test public void getRental() { ... } @Test (expected = NumberFormatException.class ) @Ignore Ignore any errors @Test (timeout=400) Test will fail after 400 milliseconds @Before public void prepareRecords(); Run before each unit test @After public void cleanupJunk() Run after each unit test @BeforeClass void whenTestClassInstanciated(); Run once, when the test class gets instantiated @AfterClass void whenTestClassCompleted() Run once when the test class is dismissed Assert.assert There are tons of assertions, look it up Test – Data loader@Before public void setUp() { Fixtures.deleteAll(); Fixtures.load("data.yml");} Fixtures is used to initialize the datastore ahead of a unit test #{fixture delete:'all', load:'data.yml' /} #{selenium} ... #{/selenium} Same idea using a selenium test |