App Framework是intel公司开发的一个web app框架
tap ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Tap on the element
singleTap ? ? ? ? ? ?Single tap on the elem (250ms delay after tap is triggered)
doubleTap ? ? ? ? ? ?Double tap (quick) on the element
longTap ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Long press on the element
swipe ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?The element was swiped (30px threshold)
swipeLeft ? ? ? ? ? ?The element was swiped left
swipeRight ? ? ? ? ? The element was swiped right
swipeUp ? ? ? ? ? ? ?The element was swiped up
swipeDown ? ? ? ? ? ?The element was swiped down
$("#element").bind("doubleTap",function(){});$('#label_toggle_passwd').bind("tap",function(){ toggleCheckbox(document.getElementById('showpw'));})
?App Framework UI ?基于ZeptoJS*触屏库提供了多种触屏事件 ?,以下是你可以注册监听的事件列表
tap //类似于普通的 click
singleTap //点一次
doubleTap //连续点两次
longTap //长按
swipe //滑屏
swipeLeft //左滑屏
swipeRight //右滑屏
swipeUp //上滑屏
swipeDown //下滑屏
The swipe event is always triggered with the direction of the swipe. The tap event is always triggered when singleTap, doubleTap or longTap are dispatched.
Below are the following events triggered in App Framework UI.?
1 | $.ui.load - This event is fired once when App Framework UI is loaded and ready to go. |
These events are only triggered on the window object
1 2 3 | hashchange - This event is fired when the a panel has been changed. orientationchange - This event is fired when the page rotates. afui:init - This event fires when then $.ui object has been initialized |
These events are triggered on the document.
1 2 | afui:ready - App Framework UI has launched and ready to be used missingpanel - This event is fired when the panel was not found in the DOM |
These events are triggered on a DOM node. They will bubble up.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | unloadpanel? - This event is fired when a panel has been unloaded. loadpanel? - This event is fired when a panel has been loaded. tap? - This event is fired when tap event happened on a node.? It is similar to a click event. doubleTap? - This event is firedd when a DOM node is double tapped. singleTap? - This event is fired when a node is single tapped.? There is a delayed trigger for this event. longTap? - This event is fired when a user holds down a tapped a node for over 750 milliseconds. swipe - This event is fired when a user swipes a DOM node. |
These events are triggered by a scroller object. These events are handled using $.trigger and $.bind. These events will not bubble.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | refresh-release? - This event is fired when a scroller object pull to refresh has been released. refresh-cancel - This event is fired when a refresh has been triggered, but a user scrolls then we cancel it. refresh-trigger - This event is fired when a refresh request has happened on the scroller. refresh-finish - This event is fired when a refresh has been processed and finished. ? infinite-scroll - This event is fired? when a scroller has hit the end of the content and is requesting more info. infinite-scroll-end - This event is fired when a scroller has stopped scrolling after triggering an infinit-scroll event. ? scrollstart - This event is fired when a scroller object starts scrolling. scrollend - This event is fired when a scroller stops scrolling. ? swipeLeft/swipeRight/swipeDown/swipeUp - These events are fired in response to a swipe event.? They indicate the direction of the swipe. |