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delphi 七版htmlEncode支持中文

热度:7713   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0
delphi 7版htmlEncode支持中文



function MakeSafeHTMLText2(TheText: widestring): string;var   Idx: Integer; // loops thru characters of TheText    Ch: wideChar;     // each charactor in TheTextbegin   Result := '';    for Idx := 1 to Length(TheText) do   begin     Ch := TheText[Idx];      case Ch of       '<': Result := Result + '<';        '>': Result := Result + '>';        '&': Result := Result + '&';        '"': Result := Result + '"';        else      begin        if (Ch < #32) or (Ch >= #127) then       //    Result := Result + '&#' + IntToStr(Ord(Ch)) + ';'          Result := Result + '&#x' + InttoHex(Integer(ch),2) + ';'        else           Result := Result + Ch;        end;      end;    end;  end;

