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svn hook(挟制要求提交注释必须多于X个字)

热度:2919   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0
svn hook(强制要求提交注释必须多于X个字)
cd repository/hooks,找到pre-commit.tmpl文件,去掉后缀.tmpl, 编辑pre-commit文件:

1. windows: 重命名为pre-commit.bat
@echo offsetlocalset REPOS=%1set TXN=%2rem check that logmessage contains at least 10 charactersrem .....代表5个字符svnlook log "%REPOS%" -t "%TXN%" | findstr ".........." > nulif %errorlevel% gtr 0 goto errexit 0:errecho Empty log message not allowed. Commit aborted! 1>&2exit 1

2. linux:chmod u+x pre-commit
#!/bin/shREPOS="$1"TXN="$2"SVNLOOK=/usr/bin/svnlook# check that logmessage contains at least 10 alphanumeric charactersLOGMSG=`$SVNLOOK log -t "$TXN" "$REPOS" | tr -d ' ' | wc -c`if [ "$LOGMSG" -lt 10 ];then  echo -e "\nEmpty log message not allowed. Commit aborted!" 1>&2  exit 1fi
1 楼 雁行 2012-06-25  
2 楼 李_俊 2012-08-18  