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It has a song that about 'wailing wall'.解决方案

热度:8757   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0
It has a song that about 'wailing wall'.
The Wailing Wall is about 3,000 years old. It is a big stone wall. 

It is 52m long and 19m high. The Wailing Wall is great in Judaism(犹太文化). 

Some people come there to play. Some people cry there. Some people talk to the wall. They think they are talking to the God. 

Men stand or sit on the left. Women and girls stand or sit on the right. Many travellers from different countries like to write their wishes on the paper. Then they put the paper into the wall.

wailing wall

thank u, 
ya, now i know more about the wailing war.
but why they built the wailing wall? and what happened then?

and why men on the left and women on the right?

correct:"Some people come there to play" or to pray???
I guess it's not a proper place to play
pray for god by writing theri wishes on the paper,should we learn from them to commemorate the NanJing massacre victims!
thank you
thank you very much
Wailing Wall? 哭墙?