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热度:9888   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0

先谢谢大家了,CSDN卧虎藏龙,相信您的答案一定可以让我受益匪浅 :)




A SHELL script for a web hit counter

1.Use the script

A simple web hit counter uses a shell script.It's based on Apache access logs,fast and easy to use.

[Script file]


[Script synopsis]

acc_a.sh [log path] [key string]

[Script options]

log path - as the location of Apache log file. (default:/etc/httpd/logs/)
key string - as an regular expression that match certain request URIs of Apache log. (default:^(/track/|/wert/).*$)


For example,we want to calculate the hit counts of '/track/' URI,based on log files archive directory '/home/ttguan/':
* $ ./acc_a.sh /home/ttguan/ ^/track/.*$

Sample output. A block of final result like the report text shows below:
* 3793298 /track/xmlhttprequests/getuerbyrole.php
* 3668179 /track/xmlhttprequests/getrole.php
* 1522492 /track/asig/displaya_q.php
* 823322 /track/queue/allinqueue.php
* 783851 /track/xmlhttprequests/getPrevStep.php
* 753786 /track/time/xmldata.php
* 461618 /track/index1.php
* 285898 /track/time/start.php
* 266794 /track/rep/user.php
* 254337 /track/asig/displaya.php
* 248017 /track/queue/attention.php
* 233968 /track/files.php
* 209826 /track/time/add.php
* 202642 /track/proj/projmainpage.php
* 196484 /track/time/today.php
* 188215 /track/xmlhttprequests/roletouser.php
* 177150 /track/xmlhttprequests/workflowtorole.php
* 173288 /track/time/stop.php
* 169118 /track/asig/alltask.php
* 160450 /track/uploadfiles.php
* ... ...


You need to deploy code to your web server manually.  

To deploy 'acc_a.sh' please carry the steps below:

Step 1.Upload and save the script to the web server;  

Step 2.Add the read and write permissions to the current user of 'acc_a.sh':
* $ chmod +x ./acc_a.sh

Step 3.Make sure you have write and read access to the directory the logs are stored in,such as /etc/httpd/logs/;
To view the the directory mode:
* $ ls -l /etc/httpd/logs/

Step 4.execute the script:
* $ ./acc_a.sh /etc/httpd/logs/ 

Step 5.A result file 'hit_count_result_final' will be created under the script directory when message "hit count finished" printed on screen.

Also,you can defined an alias for this shell and append it to '.bashrc' file:
* $ echo 'alias hitcnter=/full-path/acc_a.sh >> .bashrc

Now when you login to your machine from a console,the script '.bashrc' will be called. You can run the shell as an alias:
* $ hitcnter