First, I really should say thanks to my LP. I am on a business trip right now, this system which help HISAP to replenish goods.My job task use our product exchange data with HISAP's SAP.
Why was I on business trip that set up a structure which we could get base data from the HISAP's SAP system. Owing to this system must need base data from SAP, then it can run. In this days, I do this work and I need to coordinate with HISAP's colleague to set up the data structure. So, that all is why am i come to HISAP's office do this.
When I get off work before, I told to them general manager that our work schedule. Because of I told him we need 35 days one of the region sales and inventory data for testing. But they GM thought that can't do it. He thought we just need a little data which just use that to know whether can exchange data smoothly, the testing system can't support too much data to run. So He thought me didn't know that i can't use it. But, the thing was our CTO told to me who need to use 35 days data to run the Replenishment System all of flow for 35 time. And in that time , I didn't say it told to them GM, and I wasn't calm down for that. I just said that we shoud use that data, and didn't say the detail of our mind.
So after I get off work, I told that thing to my LP, then she through this told me what is my fault, what is I should improve thing, when i say something before without thinking in my mind.
When she told me this thing after. All of this thing definitely she's right. Totally is my capacity's problem. Before she told that, I never think about that why am I think the purpose when I do something, and what am I get it form that thing.
So, I shouldn't let her worry me about the work .I must improve that disadventage about me. Just only for her thought, I also should think about it to improve my disadvantage to better, help my work and life.
I relly need say thanks for her(My LP).