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driver只有sql server等几个啊该如何处理

热度:7076   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0
driver只有sql server等几个啊?
登录进cold   fusion   administrator后,想增加data   source的话。
只有access   ,sql   server   ,odbc   等几个?

ColdFusion Server Settings
The Enterprise Edition of ColdFusion Server adds a variety of features, including native Oracle drivers. Included in the Professional Edition, Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) support for Oracle is much slower than its native drivers. If you 're thinking of migrating to an Oracle database, be sure to budget in an upgrade to the Enterprise Edition of ColdFusion for the native Oracle drivers. Those native Oracle drivers are better supported because they form the baseline, whereas ODBC drivers are added in later (by Oracle) as a secondary access method.

In the ColdFusion Server Administrator, you can configure the native drivers. Because no "Oracle 8i " selection exists, use the "Oracle80 " selection when connecting to an Oracle 8i database over Net8, as shown below. Setting up a system data source name (DSN) is optional, because it is only used by ODBC drivers.

(Click image to enlarge.)
Establishing a database connection with an Oracle database can take anywhere from 0.5 to 3 seconds. Therefore, you 'll want to enable connection pooling, which is done in the native drivers setup. At Bantu, we set the connection pool maximum to be the same as the maximum number of requests the ColdFusion Server can make, which works well assuming all your CFML pages need database access.

Be aware that the Oracle server itself limits the maximum number of connections it will accept. Make sure your database administrator (DBA) configures this to coincide with your ColdFusion servers.
