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Anyone knows how to make a searchable .chm file?

热度:681   发布时间:2007-08-26 08:00:57.0
Anyone knows how to make a searchable .chm file?
I found that all the C/C++ functions reference is based on www.cppreference.com. It is a good reference, but not my favorite. My favorite is www.cplusplus.com

I have a software which lets me download the whole webstie of cplusplus and read it offline. My question is:

Can you make a searchable .chm file based on the downloaded html files? If yes, which software is easy to use?

Note that there are two kinds of files: .gif and .htm(l). And there are 4997 files.

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-26 8:10:31编辑过]

搜索更多相关的解决方案: chm  Anyone  searchable  make  knows  





